Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2012: Recalling the freedom of killing

Chapter 2012 Recalling the Freedom of Killing

Mu Yuan took three photos of the hostages to find someone. The case was not made public. Except for the case handlers and their families, no one knew that someone had been kidnapped. Mu Yuan put on a white T-shirt, shoes, and took photos to start searching for people. Before the three hostages were kidnapped, they sent a circle of friends. Mu Yuan was looking for a circle of friends based on them. He seriously played a classmate who was looking for missing students. He was alone in his daily life. Eugene has been in Muyuan. Observing the opposite apartment, observe if anyone is secretly following Mu Yuan, and there is no movement for two days.

Mu Yuan couldn't help but doubt, is the investigation direction wrong?

If the direction of the investigation is wrong?

For two days, there are no ghosts, it is a bit unpredictable.

"Is it because we guessed it wrong?" Mu Yuan asked, he looks so consistent with the killer's preferences, dressing is followed by the deceased, but has not yet caused the killer's idea.

Jack is very open-minded and believes in his own judgment. "Wait for another two days, you will expand the scope."


Mu Yuan took photos of three hostages and expanded the scope of the search. He used the most stupid way to find people. Several good people said that they were a little familiar, but they couldn’t remember where they had seen them.

Mu Yuan and Jack have been connected to the radio headset. "I will go to the bar at night."


Jack put his finger on the table and knocked it unconsciously. When Mu went to the bar, Jack arrived an hour earlier than Mu, and he was not easy to use. He used the real thing and changed his body. It looked like a wave. Son brother.

Mu Yuan is confused, what is he doing?

"You don't have to pay attention to me when you do things."


Mu Yuan still took photos and asked, today's bartender changed someone, not the person that Mu Yuan saw two days ago. "The three people, I have seen, that day is a stranger's birthday, and they are invited to three. Personally, a group of people have been away from playing very late. I remember that when I left, it was more than one o'clock in the morning. They played more fun. What happened? People are gone?"

Mu Yuan said, "Yes, Big Brother, do you still recognize the party? My three classmates didn't go home, they are gone, the teacher wouldn't say, I have a bedroom with them, usually the best, so I will come and look for it."

"This is not known. The bar is relatively mobile. Today, it will not necessarily come tomorrow. Some people come once a month. Everyone has it. I can see more people every day. I can remember that they sang a song that day, and the atmosphere of the bar was suddenly sizzled by them."

“Can you look at the monitoring of the day?”

Jack had long wanted to adjust the monitoring, but he found it, and there was no monitoring at all.

"We have no monitoring at this bar."

Mu Yuan interpreted the disappointment of a young man to the fullest.

The bartender did not talk to him. A handsome guy came over with wine and looked at Mu Yuan with a smile. "Child, come for the first time?"

Mu Yuan showed the big eyes and the innocent eyes. "I came to find a classmate, my classmates are gone."

"What classmates are coming, come, I invite you to have a drink."

"Don't drink, thank you!"

Jack's voice came from the earphones. "You seduce him, and then leaned against the man wearing a jacket next to you. The performance is even more delicate. This man likes men, you are free to play."

Mu Yuan, "..."

God's free play! ! !


What is the rest of the night at 10 o'clock? !

(End of this chapter)

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