Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2033: Recalling the final battle of killing

Chapter 2033, remembering the final battle of killing

Mu Yuan always feels that he is relatively strong. Even if he is rejected, he can accept it. It is not a secret love. He does not expect Jack to give the same emotion, nor does he expect Jack to respond. He is a little bit, but he still has some shackles and pains that seem to be stunned. He is standing in the pool, his head almost hangs down into the pool, hey, he is helpless, he is disappointed, he is very disappointed with himself. Disappointed.

Jack leaned against the cold pool wall, and wanted to say something, but could not say anything. Mu Yuan heard the sound of water, the sound of the cabinet was opened, followed by footsteps. The whole bathhouse was restored to silence, ticking, ticking, very Quiet, it’s all like a dream after drinking, wake up, nothing left.

It is like a dream, a dream of self-satisfaction.

The training period has been particularly fast, and it has been half a year since the end of the training. There are only three months left before the end of the training. Perhaps Jack’s words have played a role, and Mu Yuan has not had so many distractions. He trained harder than others, and was more tolerant of loneliness. Although the plots of the test period did not all go through, he also walked through 7788, and the ranking also rose from the eighth to the third, and he was awarded the instructor group. All appreciated, he is seventeen years old, and after a few months, he is eighteen years old.

He was able to return home years ago.

If nothing else, he can graduate from West Point smoothly.

In the second half of the year, five people were eliminated. Only ten people were left. As the same, only Eugene was left, and the rest were eliminated. This is the last person to stay.

Mu Yuan thought, this is not a bad mood, the workplace is proud.

In the past two months, he rarely heard Jack's news, and he almost never heard it. He can also block the news about Jack. Of course, he can't express his confession. He will not treat him as an enemy with care, but his heart. Thinking about not thinking about it, this expectation in the bottom of my heart is like a delusion, so as not to be revived, he can't bear to be rejected again. He is not such an unreasonable person. In Jack, he clearly stated that this life is a deadly enemy. When he is still holding on, it is too... not self-love.

Jack is a person who has a beginning and a end. This time, the student graduated. Originally, he did not want to come. The instructor team has always urged him to come over. The last three months of coaching, the last three months are all practical training, and there is no elimination rule, nor will it There are training rules, although they are not in time, they are considered to be closed, so Jack is mainly because Jack is a hero, and he has a lot of experience. They are similar to their age and know how to teach them. Give Jack, they are the most assured.

Can't stand the requirements of the coaching staff, Jack reluctantly agreed, originally he was hiding from Mu Yuan, and in the few months after Mu Yuan's confession, he tried to avoid Mu Yuan.

At that time, there were many discussions in the base. Of course, they would not be regarded as a real thing. They all said that Mu Yuan was drunk, daring, arrogant, instructor, etc. The base was rumored, he deliberately avoided Mu. Far away, naturally no one will think about them. Mu Yuan also said that he has drunk too much. Now that half a year has passed, that thing should be light.

They are all military, strong willpower, and recently occasionally watch Mu Yuan’s training report, progress is gratifying

(End of this chapter)

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