Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2039: Memories of killing

Chapter 2039 Recalling the Sixth Society of Killing

He Chunwang is a white pheasant, or a dry duck. He doesn't know anything about water. The swimming pool is 2.5 meters. Once the feet are not touched, he starts to scare his face and whitish. He is holding Mu Yuan, panting and eclipsing like Mu Yuan. He sold it like, it is very unbearable to see him splashing in the water, the most excessive one is brazenly screaming at Mu Yuan's chest and abdomen.

Mu Yuan thought, what is your special name?

"A far, I am afraid..."

Mu Yuan is very simple. "Then you don't learn."

"Don't!" He Chunwang was a little shy and looked at Mu Yuan's enviable muscles on the edge of the pool. He looked at his weak chicken body and was envious. "A far, can I touch it?" ”

Mu far lie lazily, "just touch."

He Chunwang excitedly stretched out his claws and touched him on his chest. The muscles that were strong and strong were a man who exercised all the year round. He was very good, and he also touched a pair of abdominal muscles.

"Good... good... good-looking." The little weak chicken He Chunwang was so envious that he had stuttered, thinking that if he had such a muscle, he would be envious.

He Chunwang was addicted, and Mu Yuan was asleep when he touched him.

The second team of people, "..."

You are too big in the village, or you are too cold, so you are not reacted when you feel it.

Jack's index finger and **** held a pen, gently turned, and looked at the surveillance screen with no expression. Mu Yuan blinked his eyes and fell asleep comfortably.

It’s really... best to enjoy the beauty.

Mu Yuan thought that it was another matter, it was a business problem. How should he start from He Chunwang and go to He Jing? He Chunwang is a matter of nothing. He seems to be unable to make any good progress around He Chunwang. He needs to go to He Jing to collect He Jing's evidence of crime, and it is best to get his on-the-spot evidence to be able to win.

He Chunwang looked at the lazy Mu Yuan with a sullen look. The eyebrows were all laughter and joy. The security captain pouted and reported this scene to He Jing.

"How is the person?" He Jing asked, very concerned about his son's affairs.

"The temper is not very good, it is more violent, and possessiveness is stronger. There is nothing to say to the young master. He saved the young master's life. The young master is very dependent on him. He has been following him to learn swimming recently. The results are good." I dare not hide it. By the way, he also talked about He Chunwang’s friends, and said something about the relationship with He Chunwang. The implication is a disaster.

He Jing sneered, "Spring is still small, like what, get it to him, his young boy, love nothing will not be too long, you look at people, don't make trouble."

"Yes, the president." The security captain said, "The president, the young master listened to him very much. You always wanted the young master to get in touch with the six-in-one club. It is better to start with him. He thinks that the young master will listen to him."

"Oh." He Jing has some interest, "Let's observe for a while."


When undercover, the most fear is that there is no patience. Mu Yuan knows that there is a team behind him busy, not that he is undercover, the instructor, the two teams are working hard, not inaction, even if he is doing nothing. He Chunwangzao game, teach him to swim, teach him to shoot, etc., and the rest are busy in other positions.

(End of this chapter)

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