Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2056: The plan to recall the kill has changed

Chapter 2056, the plan of recalling killing has changed

Mu Yuan’s room lampshade was equipped with a TV monitor eye by Jack. He saw it when he returned to Jack and others.

"A team leader is poisonous?"

The people of the second squad face each other and are very nervous. In addition to worrying about Mu Yuan, there is actually no way. According to the news sent by Mu Yuan, after the second team’s investigation, the people have been arranged to destroy the transaction of He Jing. After the four transactions were damaged, naturally, some suspicious people would not be missed. As he said, it is better to kill and not let go.

The second team and a small team of people just assisted the police today to arrest several important members of the Sixth Society. During the interrogation, Mu Yuan was poisoned. Today, he also lost a female undercover in China. It is not a good day.

Mu Yuan rolled on the ground, yelling in pain, slamming his head against the corner of the table, making something unintelligible, hitting his forehead with blood and holding a knife. On his own, Jack stood up and looked dull. Mu far didn't know what to expect, but he lost his knife and continued to hit the glass with his head. The bulletproof glass of the floor-to-ceiling window was slammed by him.

"Instructor..." Lehman shouted with concern.

Jack stood up and looked at the monitor, silently.

Mu far painful voice, like a loop in the small command room, the door of the room was kicked by He Chunwang and others. Mu Yuan was shot by a person who came in, and the bullet of the anesthetic hit him. The far-eyed eyes were as big as if they were going to fall off, and they fell on the sofa. He Chunwang quickly ordered the second person to give him an injection.

"A far..."

Jack is very aware of the power of this thing. The first attack will be very painful, but after forbearing it, as long as I can bear it, the second time is not so painful, and he is the first injection, the body is young, and the metabolism is strong. As long as he can not hold back once, do not go to the injection, he is hopeful to cut off, but if he keeps injecting, he can not stop.

The deeper the addiction, the more painful the episode, the harder it is to quit.

Mu Yuan needs a person.

If there was no poison, He Chunwang gave him a shot of an anesthetic bomb and gave him one. When the mission was over, Mu Yuan could no longer escape this terrible thing.

He didn't even know about this thing, would he ruin Mu Yuan?

He is only seventeen this year.

This undercover plan was made by him. He did not allow Mu to fall into that situation.

"Instructor, no!" Jack re-enacted a plan, he is going to Mu Yuan. When Mu Yuan was poisoned, he had to stop He Chunwang from giving him an injection. When he was poisoned, he had no reason. He could subdue him with an anesthetic bomb. He needed help from outside.

Lehman also hurriedly stopped. "Sir, I know that you are good for Mu Yuanzhong, but you are our commander. There are a lot of undercovers in the Liuhehui. One is not careful. You and Mu Yuan have no way to come out. He Jing does not. Like other people, his means of dealing with traitors is very decisive. We may not be able to rescue them. You and Mu Yuan will be shot by him."

"My mind has been decided, you will continue to monitor, I will pass you a message through Eugene, listen to my orders, we collect intelligence, and it is not appropriate to fight with the Sixth Society."

Lehman and others looked at each other, and Jack made a decision that could hardly be changed.

A member asked, "Instructor, what identity do you want to find a captain?"

(End of this chapter)

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