Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2058: Memories of killing boyfriend 2

Chapter 2058 Recalling Killing Boy 2

Eugene, "..."

What the hell?

It’s an illusion to see the instructor here today. I also listened to the instructor saying that he is a captain’s boyfriend. Is this auditory?

Jack has the cleanliness and shame of a young person, but he is not at all embarrassed. If he is awkward, how can he look for Mu Yuan?

Jack said, "I talked to him about a year of love. Because of the opposition of my family, he suffered from sin and suffered. My family suspected that he had no interest, no money, and would only be mixed with the streets all day. I did bad things, I didn't like him very much, so he left with a sigh of relief. I didn't give it to me. I was not bullied. Even if I wanted to break up, he would give me a complete explanation. I like Xiaoyuan very much, so I like it very much. I heard that he came to Burma and I chased it. He had inadvertently revealed that he was here a few days ago, so I just found it. I want to tell him clearly."

The feelings of young people are always so desperate.

He Jing seems to think of something, his eyes are a little deep. "I also liked a girl when I was a teenager. I didn't agree with my family. I said that I was a gangster. I didn't have much interest in the future. I wanted to mix a person when I left home. When I really mixed up a person, she appeared in front of her. When I said that I had to wait for my girl, I had already married someone and gave birth to a child. You said... What is the reason?"

He picked up the teacup, blew it gently, and took a sip of tea. "So, I was so angry that I killed all of my family. I suffered here and suffered, so I went back and sighed. As a result, you betrayed me, I am not happy, naturally will not let her free."

Jack seems to be scared, stepping back two steps, just shy and swept away, becoming fearful and embarrassed, " are a murderer."

"Yeah, the person you like is also a murderer. Are you willing to follow him?"

"I don't believe it!" Jack shouted. "My boyfriend is a confusing thing, but he doesn't obey. But he is a very derogatory, loyal, good man. He will never be a murderer. I I don't believe you, I want to see him."

He said that he was anxious and fast, his face was red, and he tried to distinguish his boyfriend. You Jin thought, the instructor, you are really a big play, you are not going to act or teach us to act, it is a pity.

God knows that he has a cold sweat.

He Jing seems to be amused, hahaha laughed, \' "You don't worry, I have sent someone to find him."

When Mu Yuan heard that he had a boyfriend to look for, he almost stepped on the air.


"Your boyfriend!" The security captain looked at him disapprovingly. He did not tell He Chunwang about this matter. Who knows that the young master likes him, he is jealous with the young master all day, and the result is a boyfriend. At first glance, it is to seduce the little goblin that the young master climbs up. It is a scourge, a scourge, a shameless goblin.

Mu Yuan couldn't help but be just his gauze, what a ghost boy?

"Excuse me... my boyfriend... what is the name?"

"how could I know!"

Mu is far away, and he is finished. If he is recognized, what can he do? He Jing deliberately let him go. It must also be a trap to see if he is lying.

Whether this person is a small team or a second team.

No love, how to play love?

(End of this chapter)

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