Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2068: Memories of killing medicine come

Chapter 2068, Memories of Killing Drugs Come

Mu Yuan feels that he is like a person who is placed in the sea of ​​knives and mountains. It is all hot. There are countless snakes in the body, drilling in his softest place, biting on his bones. He can’t see it, he can’t wait to use it. The knife peels off his body and looks at it.

It hurts too much.

Mu Yuan thought, he will die.

This unimaginable pain, like to swallow him, his body is stretched to the extreme, but the person he loves most, sitting outside him a meter, no matter how angry he is, how desperate, how to plead, He was indifferent, and he sat so coldly, watching him struggle in the painful abyss.

"Ah..." Mu Yuan was blocked, and he couldn't utter a voice. Only a little screaming leaked out, because of the pain and the unbearable pain of the bones, the corners of his eyes were red, and the large patches of physiological tears continued to fall. Come, Mu Yuan did not mean to cry, and could not control the lacrimal gland, but his horrible look in Jack's eyes, but he did nothing, even a comfort.

The legs, feet and waist were fixed and dead. Mu Yuan even tried to pull himself up from the floor, but he had no strength at all, so it hurts! !

It hurts really, it hurts!

In the monitoring screen, everyone couldn't bear to look at it. I wondered why the instructors were so calm and looked at Mu Yuan's struggle, but no one dared to say a word.

Jack closed his eyes slightly, his ears were full of subtle sorrows and struggling chains, because the sight was dark and the five senses were more vivid.

He can't wait to bear on his behalf!

But he can't do anything.

After an hour and a half passed, Mu Yuan paused for a moment. Jack pulled open the cloth in his mouth. Mu Yuan was exhausted. This poison will be tossed for four or five hours, as long as it passed. This time, the poison will be fine. The next time he attacks, he will be able to stand up. If every attack, he will pass, and he will slowly and will not be attracted.

This poison is not continuous, it is continuous, and it is tortured in three or four waves. If a woman has a child's pain, a wave is more serious than a wave. After he tears off the cloth, Mu Yuan's eyes are lost. Jack Gently patted on his white hair.

"You did very well!"

Mu Yuan didn't have any strength to answer him. He knew that Jack couldn't do anything but look at him. He could watch him calmly and self-sufficiently look at him. Mu Yuan couldn't help but feel a little sad.

In his most painful and desperate situation, there is no comforting words. There is no hug he wants most. As long as Jack holds him and says, don’t be afraid, I am, he can have infinite power to resist these. pain.

This time, the poison is more vivid and uncomfortable than the first time. But the only good thing is that he is no longer self-mutilating. He can’t be self-mutilated. His hands, feet and mouth are blocked. He can’t do anything, only hard. Squatting.

Jack still said nothing. He even feared what Mu Yuan would say. He only wanted to plead with one sentence. He was afraid that all his persistence and reluctance to maintain calm would be gone.

He even understood He Chunwang a bit, why he was struggling with pain, didn't want to torture him, and gave him a second shot.

"Take a little more, and it will soon pass."

Suddenly, the door knocked, and the voice of He Chunwang came. "A far, you are not there, I will give you medicine, open the door!"

(End of this chapter)

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