Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2070: Recalling the promise of killing one's life

Chapter 2070 Recalls the promise of killing one's life

The whole team members were confused. What was this operation? Jack took the headphones and threw them aside. Because the time was too fast, Mu Yuan rushed over again. He didn't have time to shut down the sound.

Team members, "..."

Although you can't see the picture, you can at least hear the sound.

What is the instructor doing?

Mu Yuan rushed over, his attitude was mad, and he grabbed his hand madly. "Give me, give me, I am too uncomfortable, I am uncomfortable, give it to me..."

His voice was fragmented and mad, and with a trace of pleading, full of despair.

Jack slowly untied the first button on the shirt. Mu Yuan’s eyes were full of blood. The illusion in front of him was more serious. It seemed that countless Jacks were floating in front of him. His footsteps were light and floating, like in the clouds. Then, the pain of an erosive attack came, Mu Yuan screamed, almost clinging to Jack's legs and asking him without dignity.

"Please, give me, give me..."

Jack untied four buttons and lifted Mu Yuan in one hand. Mu Yuan screamed. He held Mu Yuan in his neck and pulled him in his chest. Jack asked Mu Yuan. "Xiaoyuan, I ask you, I want to I still want it?"

Mu Yuan’s eyes are all red, like if he doesn’t know what Jack is saying, what he wants, wants it, Jack’s clothes are half open, but one hand holds a syringe, the ice blue liquid and the cold in his eyes. As if mixed together, Mu Yuan is a piece of light in front of his eyes. He can't think at all. He only knows that when he gets the syringe, he is relieved. He is not so painful.

He took the syringe in one hand and almost subconsciously reacted to solve the pain at the moment.

"I won't see you again." Jack said slowly, he did not stop Mu Yuan from taking the syringe, but stated that one thing, "Mu Yuanzhong, you and I are the relationship between the instructor and the trainee. This time the mission is over, you When I returned to China, I returned to China. We bridged the bridge and returned to the road. From then on, each side is irrelevant. You can hear it clearly."

The players are all forced.

What is this operation?

Mu Yuan was in chaos and despair, as if he didn't know which word touched his heart. He looked up and his eyes were full of blood and tears. The needle was already stuck in the skin. With a single push, he was relieved.

The instructor said that the bridge is back to the bridge and the road is back, which is irrelevant.

From now on, he will never see him again.

"I..." His lips were almost bitten, swallowing the blood of his mouth, and the pain came in abruptly. Mu Yuan collapsed and wondered why he was forced to force him. Why did he force him?

"Don't..." He squatted to the sofa with his head. "Don't force me, don't force me, don't... Don't, I hurt, it hurts, I can't get rid of..."

He can't wait to get into his body with a knife.

Jack said, "My Jack Anderson has always said a word, talked, and never said anything, you can think clearly."

He looked at Mu Yuan coldly. The boy in front of him was already very miserable. He had never seen Mu Yuan so embarrassed, but he could not be soft and soft, and he ruined Mu Yuan’s life.

"Do you want me, or do you want it?" Jack whispered. "It can give you a moment of ecstasy, but I can give you a lifetime commitment."

Team member, "..."

Everyone looks at each other.

A member of the team asked everyone's confusion. "That... that... the instructor and the captain... Is it too deep into the play?"

(End of this chapter)

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