Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2088: Recalling the danger of killing

Chapter 2088 Recalling the danger of killing

At the moment when Mu Yuan stepped into the restaurant, there were also a group of people on the highway of the airport who were chasing after the death and death. The Jacks were not on the scene, and they also opened the curtains so that the surveillance person could see that he was watching a movie. Actually On the remote control of his teammates, it is necessary to think of people interception, Mu Yuan is uneasy, afraid to send people back to A city, when faced with shackles, He Chunwang has no real power, should really and He Jing can ask for his life, He Chunwang can do nothing.

He is already in a thief's nest and can only hope that Jack can stop people.

"President, Vice President, how can I ask for a meal today?"

"Why didn't you bring your boyfriend too." He Jing asked.

Mu Yuan looks gloomy. "Speaking, I have been normal since I helped you, and I will not come to dinner with you at the same table. We... we just quarreled."

It should be said, "Young people are young and full of life. You and him are not all the way. It is also a way out. It is also a way out. It is not good for you."

Jack played a young student, and his temperament was very expensive. They didn't think of Jack as a rough soldier.

"He loves me too much, can't leave me alone, has to take me away, delusion." Mu Yuan showed his ambition. "I have been fed up with the life of being bullied. I don't want to let myself be dominated."

It should be a smile, a few people exchanged a cup for a change, but it is a happy, He Chunwang is a little unhappy, "You don't always mention him, I am not happy."

"Yes, big master, don't mention it!"

I should really look at the mobile phone very much. Mu Yuan thought that he was not waiting for the news or watching the time. He Jing also praised Mu Yuan’s meal and gave him a high appreciation for his work. “The young people’s thinking is active and developed ten. A few downlines will help you to transport, although the cost has increased, but it can not drip, the police can not find evidence, smart."

"The president feels relieved." Mu Yuan accepted the praise humbly, and persuaded a few glasses of wine, and his eyes were reddish. He Chunwang stopped him and then waited for Mu Yuan to leave.

At this time, Eugene came over. "President, smiling is back."

I should really get up and come out, and Jack’s voice came from the headphones. “Reassured.”

The heart that Mu Yuan was hanging was also falling. He should have been talking to a young boy at the door. He asked in a deep voice, "Is the investigation clear?"

"The vice president, it is clear that there is such a person, but there is a little bit of difference. He is a young boy in school, often mixed with the society and remembered by the school." The young boy said, "The character is not very Well, offended the people of the two gangs over there, they can't get along here."

It should be really indulgent, and he will definitely look at the young boy. His eyes are particularly heavy. The temperament and gas field of the superiors have made the young boy’s heart playing drums, and he is afraid that he will see the clue.

"Working hard!" It should have been patted on his shoulder. "I don't think his performance is like the police of the Chinese state. It is too small. Although they constantly send people undercover, they will not find it. This kind of child still in school, the age of the child is still there, even if it is the police, has not graduated from the police school, certainly will not come to die, they have enough people to lose, it is my heart ""

The little boy has his head down, not much to say. "Okay, you have worked hard, go to rest."


(End of this chapter)

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