Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2112: I remember talking about killing me.

Chapter 2112, Memories of Killing, I Have Been Talking about Love.

Mu Yuan thought, I will go, I will know my sister when I am eight years old. Can you not go to heaven?

His barrage was like a wild horse that had been smashed and stopped. He decided that one thing was that he only joined the army for his sister. Hey, why is it worse than him?

I didn't expect Jack as a child, but still... I am sick!

"What are you thinking about?" Jack asked with a smile.

Where did Mu Yuan dare to say that he was in the belly, he said with a smile, "I found out that no one is born to be a soldier, there are all kinds of reasons."

"My brother is born to like."

"Oh, then he is more heterogeneous." Although Mu Yuan was abdomen, he said heartily, "That's awesome, you are climbing faster than Wesley."

"He is the same age as you, smaller than me. I can do many things. He can't do it. The troops have regulations."

The two had a chat without chatting, and they didn't talk deeply. After walking out for a while, Jack suddenly asked, "When I just told the story of a child, are you yelling at me?"

"That must... no, how can it." Mu Yuan thought, wearing a green hat during the love period should also laugh out of the demeanor. Seeing that only Wang Ba is also a national color, how can you marry you? If it does not exist, it must not be Admit it!

"I like you too late." Really mood supermarkets buy one get a big delivery.

Jack gave him a glimpse of it, and he took a slap in the back of his head. Mu Yuan thought that the hair behind him would one day be cleaned up by him. But how sweet is it like eating chocolate?

The sister was quickly left behind by him, and Mu Yuan thought that he would soon be an adult.

How can an adult compare with an eight-year-old kid? He wants to be generous.

The great Mu Yuan finally asked a sentence he thought for a long time, "That... have you ever talked about love?"

Jack did not answer positively. "What do you think?"

He hasn't forgotten his own person who talked about love. In front of this child, what do he do more and more like? Although he still has some restraint in front of Mu Yuan, it is because he is completely prepared to spend a lifetime with him.

Jack thought, when Mu Yuan said that he would try it with him, maybe he was a pit when he liked him more and more. He stepped on the pit called Mu Yuan, and the other foot was outside the pit, but he left. It is not far from coming in.

Mu Yuan couldn't help but want to swear. If you ask, please answer it. Every time you ask, what is really annoying.

"You haven't talked about love?"

Mu Yuan, who did not lose, did not lose his neck, and his little temper came. "Who said?"

Jack picked up his eyebrows a little unexpectedly, and Mu Yuanqiang held a sigh of relief. "Yu Ye is a person who has been in love."

How many girlfriends are there in kindergarten?

Going home every day and his old man boasting, every time he banquet, his little girlfriends are rushing to play with him and fight, hey, if there are too few women in the military camp, maybe he has implemented the problem of early love, There is no Jack anything.

Oh, it’s still early love!

"Why is that divided?"

Mu Yuan put on a omnipotent reason, "the character is not in harmony."

Jack looked at him and looked like he was laughing. He didn't believe him at all. Mu Yuan thought, no, he couldn't lose, he had to hold it, and then he said something, "distance problem."

Who said no, long distance love has no good fruit to eat.

Kindergarten in primary school is to be divided into classes, how to fall in love in one class and one class.

(End of this chapter)

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