Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2116: It’s amazing to remember the daughter-in-law who killed it.

Chapter 2116 recalls that the wife of the killing is very powerful.

Mu Yuan hurriedly appeased Xie Jingxuan and repeatedly praised Xie Jing's IQ for being superb, being steady, seeing flowers and so on, etc. What words are exaggerated to say words.

Big trouble, Xie Jingwei: Losing you smart, knowing to tell me that if he said with A Ling, he would have been a good fight.

Little cute Mu Yuan: Hey, let me say why you don’t have a good fight, don’t you fear that I won’t know if I’m smashing?

Big trouble, Xie Jingwei: Hehehe, don’t fall to death, how do you know the pain?

Little cute Mu Yuan: Hey, Nancheng also said that you have an idea for me, so vicious.

Big trouble Xie Jingwei: His IQ is being shit, I want to have your thoughts and sorrow to your sweetheart?

Little cute Mu Yuan:........................ You won, remember my medicine!

Mu Yuan quickly withdrew from the chat system and looked up at Jack. Jack was still reading, and Mu Yuan was not a schoolmaster. He didn't like reading books. I really don't know if a young man with a young age of eighteen doesn't go out and doesn't go out of the way, doesn't talk about routines, doesn't talk about swearing, how can he calm down and read the book, isn't this the activity of the elderly?

"What book do you read?"

Jack showed him the cover and got along.

Mu Yuan, "..."

Lying in the trough! !

High energy! !

Jack didn't feel anything at all. "There have been too busy these years. I haven't had time to read books, I am busy, and I have to make up for more knowledge."

In the past two years, I have also read the four famous books of your country. By the way, I have made up a few wild history novels and long-form network fantasy novels. Although I have seen it very hard, it is like a culture with a different culture and customs. He is still reading the book with a mentally retarded novel.

Look at the Chinese version.

However, he does not read books, mostly choose books that he is interested in, or books that are needed. If he does not need it, he will not look at it.

"Then if you are a woman, don't you have to look at a baby to have a baby?"

Jack raised his eyebrow slightly. "Isn't this common sense?"

Mu far silent for a moment, "...oh."

Every time I chat with Xueba, I feel that I need to make up my knowledge. The night Mausoleum is the same. Xie Jingzhen is also the same. He and Sunan City are learning slag. Before Mu Yuan, he still talked loudly and the night mausoleum. Xie Jingyu said that I was a soldier. Training, after a few hours of training, and asked him to learn everything, how to eat?

I am being beaten now.

Jack is still busy with him.

"That... don't you go to college?" Mu Yuan asked, Jack is only 20 years old this year, even if he is smarter, he will not complete college studies at the age of sixteen. He should not go to school in the service of the Independence, and he will be an instructor at the South American base, and he will go to the front line. This is definitely not going to college.

Jack said, "I am studying while I join the army, and I am a student at West Point. I have already got a diploma and I will take three graduate degrees next year. The school will see papers and experiments."

Mu Yuan, "..."

So, without reading, the self-study exam becomes?

In order to shorten his own gap, he did not ask Jack to take a postgraduate exam. He also felt particularly intimate. When Jack said these words, he was not proud or rejoicing at all. The feeling of complacency was a straightforward statement of an established fact.

"What about you?" Jack gently closed the book.

"I am..." Mu Yuan is also a solid-eyed child.

(End of this chapter)

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