Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2120: Memories of killing

Chapter 2120 Recalling the Rapids

When Mu Yuan woke up the next day, he was very tired. He planned to go drifting for a few days. Jack saw that he got up a little hard and wanted to cancel today's activities. Mu Yuan didn't want to waste the planned plan and rest. At noon, along with Jack, they went on a rafting trip. The two were hiking. The drifting place was not very far. There were equipment to rent. After walking for more than an hour, they went to the mountains. During this time, Jack’s cell phone rang twice. He took the call, Mu Yuan was very considerate, and went a few steps forward, not listening to him.

Mu work is not convenient for him to work on.

"The major, found out, Xie Jingzhen and Mu Yuan are indeed very good friends, Xie Jingzhen two companies, Mu Yuan has participated in the vote, but there is no written contract can not find evidence of his participation, they seem to be credit Cast, directly voted in Xie Jing's name, the proportion can not be found out, the only certainty is that he must have his relationship." Lehman said that this news is quite hard, but fortunately they have a spy group distributed in the city A If not, I can't find it so fast.

"Yes, I know." Jack said faintly, "The key points are to thank Jing Jing, the transaction records of the two companies, and the cash flow should be checked. It is not so easy to make the accounts of 60 billion yuan. It is more likely to be transferred to the night. In your home industry, you have also investigated the news in this area, and then comprehensively seized a space account with a cash flow of more than $5 billion in a month."

"This will involve a lot of people." Lehman said that some companies in order to reduce taxes, there will be some yin and yang contracts and space accounts, used to account, if a breath is blocked, it will attract a lot of shocks.

"You will release the news and seal it for three days. These people are not clean and will not be arrogant. How many accounts can you have more than $5 billion?"

"Yes, I understand."

Jack thought, "When the account is sealed up, the Economic Crimes Department knows how to do it. You can cooperate with it. During this time, Xie Jing will not leave the country."


Jack hung up the phone and walked quickly toward Mu Yuan. He didn't reveal any points. Even if he was looking for something related to Mu Yuan, he did not reveal a few words with Mu Yuan.

"Have you played drifting?"

"I haven't played for two years." Mu Yuan replied, "I often go to play in China. We have a place to drift in our base, which is very fun."

"I haven't played for a few years."

Playing rafting, there will be a little danger, the rest will bring life jackets, Jack and Mu Yuan did not bring, the two still have two boats, but also the game, Jack promised.

"it is good!"

Mu Yuan’s mobile phone shook a bit. He took it and looked back and put it back. Then he put it in a waterproof bag and put it in his pocket. There are two routes for drifting here. One is a safe route and the other is a stimulating route. Both of them are I chose the most exciting route. Most of the people who play rafting here choose another route. The coach will advise them not to choose a stimulating route. Unless there are lifeguards on board, Mu Yuan and Jack don’t care about this. They themselves are war-torn. Worried that something will happen.

However, what Jack did not expect was that when Mu Yuan passed a sharp turn, the bow was suddenly struck by a reef. The whole boat exploded in the narrow river and turned over directly. Mu far fell on the river. in!

(End of this chapter)

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