Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2128: Reminiscent of the long line of big fish

Chapter 2128 recalls the long line of big fish

When Mu Yuan was out, Lehman and Jack were talking. It seemed to have come to an end. He did not intend to eavesdrop and went back to the room. Lehman asked in confusion. "Major, are you planning to let Xie Jingzhen go this time?"

“Not!” Jack said faintly. “This is an economic case. Because of the reputation of anti-terrorism, we will assist in the investigation. It is a matter of economics and it is handled by them. We have other Things to do, countless criminals who intend to enter the country to create chaos and killings every day, I don’t have time to manage these economic cases, as long as they don’t involve terrorist organizations, we don’t have to go to reason. Second, we missed The best time to investigate, now to get involved, is a waste of time, no need to do nothing."

Check the case, do things well, and learn to stop loss.

Lehman is even more confused. They have a large group of people tracking this matter. If they don’t check it, they will not check it. Then why should he let him come here in a hurry?

Direct task cancellation will do.

"It's not that simple." Jack said faintly. "Since we have wasted time, manpower and material resources, naturally, it will not make Xie Jingyi so easy to deal with, at least let him learn a lesson. Don't take a tightrope in the next transaction."

Otherwise, he will fall forever when he falls, and he will be tired of others.

Lehman said, "I understand."

"I just remembered what I said?"

"Remember." Lehman said that although there is a bit of reluctance to let Xie Jingxuan go, this time Xie Jingzhen is really not an offence. Looking for such a loophole, he is also a talent.

"Now the most important Xie Jingzhen recruited four ghosts, two of whom are people of national technology, why was he recruited by him?"

"Major, you often don't know on the front line. In the first half of the year, the Security Bureau made some things. People involved in information technology, everyone was suspended from investigation, and then directed at two technicians. These two people are usually silent and silent. There is not much to say, no excuse. It is very difficult for us to investigate and collect evidence. Because of the negligence of the staff, the family members were injured. The two men resigned and took the whole team to leave, and were recruited by Xie Jingzhen."


Lehman bowed his head, these things are not theirs, their hands are not so long, the autonomy of each department is very large, and they can't be managed at all. Jack said, "The pieces that are buried don't move, let them grow. Time is lurking. When it is useful, I will start it myself. Under Xie Jing’s work, he will not be treated badly. In the past two years, let him not contact the headquarters or contact anyone, forget the past, and feel at ease.”

"Yes!" Lehman, "Is the major wanting to fish long lines?"

Jack was silent for a moment, but he didn't think about it, but he was always deep, and naturally he was not seen.

Late at night.

Jack Lehman spent the night at home, this small villa has two rooms, he is a one-meter-nine big man naturally can not let him sleep in the living room, Jack gave his room to him, and then went to the study. Lehman asked for a question about Jack and Mu Yuan for a night, but he didn't dare to ask. Instead, Jack moved the clean bedding out and put it on the bed, letting him change it.

"No matter what you do, don't ask."

"Major, you and Mu Yuan..."

(End of this chapter)

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