Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2136: Memorize killing me with you 2

Chapter 2136 Recalling Killing Me with You 2

After the second half of December, the town gradually became colder. The climate here is hotter. It won't snow in winter. The average temperature is 10°, which is warm. Up to noon sun, still have fifteen degrees, Mu far it when poor health, has launched a high fever and colds repeatedly, Jake still forbade him to go out in the morning exercise was canceled, I bought a treadmill The machine was placed at home, let him exercise at home, and did not go out to blow up. He took Mu Yuan’s living care in every possible way.

Mu far fever, cough, runny nose begin variety, limp body and black eyes, always feel that they can not see things, there is a vision where there is blind like, very uncomfortable, the more we want to look at, the more Nothing can be seen clearly. The most uncomfortable moment of detoxification, when the dark moment finally comes, is a mental torture to a person.

Such uncomfortable, it is to kill a person's willpower, Mu far always feel that they are not to go blind eyes, is not what will the rest got sick, why the eyes can not see, why has a fever, but not always good, and why He will cough up blood, his legs are so soft that he can't walk, and his arm can't lift anything. He seems to have entered Alzheimer's early.

"How could this be? How could this be?" Mu Yuan was a little panicked. He was an 18-year-old blood boy who couldn’t accept the power of a hand and could get rid of himself. Every day he was very scared.

"This is a normal scene. As long as you spend this period of time, it will be eliminated in at least two months. If you are fast, it may be better in a month. You believe me." Jack knows that he is worried, and he knows that he is very confused. He desperately comforted Mu Yuan, let him not be nervous, let it go, accept these changes in the body.

Mu Yuan’s mind was in a mess, fearing that he would become a monster. “Is there anyone who has succeeded in blue ice?”

"No." Jack didn't want to lie to him. He told him categorically that he didn't want him to touch this thing. He knew it was too dangerous. He never said anything to Mu Yuan because he didn't want Mu Yuan to be scared. He is also poisonous, but he does his best to give Mu Yuan a happy life, so that he can live happily every day, not a war.

"When the power was first researched in the same year, no one thought that one day we couldn't leave the electricity. When the plane was researched, no one dared to fly. Many things were tried for the first time, others could not do it, and It doesn't mean you can't do it. You are Mu Yuan, you have to believe in yourself." Jack did not spare no effort to encourage him.

Mu Yuan held his hand and said, "You won't leave me, right?"

"will not!"

With Jack's promise, he seems to have received countless motives. Mu Yuan never gave up on himself, but he greedily wanted to hear Jack's promise.

Is he too mean? However, who knows the pain and struggle of his heart? He began to fear death, fear of weakness, fear that his body would be destroyed once it could not be repaired, and then it would never be Jack’s or even heart-warming, that young, The energetic Mu Yuan may have a little appeal to Jack, but if this is lost, what is Mu Yuan's attraction to Jack?

He is obviously a purely optimistic attitude, and he will be contacted for a few days of torture, making him start sorrowful and pessimistic.

(End of this chapter)

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