Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2141: Remember to kill me to be eaten?

Chapter 2141 Recalling the killing, I want to be eaten?

Mu Yuan rushed over and bit his lip like a little milk dog. Jack held him in a pampered manner, his hands held his back, and the man was thrown on the sofa and reached for Jack. Shorts, shorts are elastic, casually pulled loose, his hand has been excited to reach in, recently secretly filled up some knowledge points, finally useful.

The two hugged on the sofa - (cannot be described, 10,000 words omitted here)

The air was full of hormonal smell, Mu Yuan's claws extended to Jack, but he was turned over and pressed against the sofa. Jack was a little unstable. "Who told you, I am below?"

Mu Yuan looked awkward and looked at the posture problem again. What additional supplies he had secretly, such as cool oil, lubricating oil, ttt were all ready.

You and I said, I am being crushed?

Jack breathed a little, his nose slightly licked on his cheek, and his breath was burning on his face. It was like a small note that jumped, but gave him full heart, Mu Yuan’s heart thundered, and Jack’s action was extremely hooked. It is more exciting than directly on the lips. His lips are pressed against his earlobe. It seems to be a pro and a playful, and the sound is caught in his ear with a hot air.

"Xiaoyuan, I have always felt that I am following you from the time you came to me. Who is the message that you are sending to you?" Could it be that he was crushed, so Xiaoyuan would come to him.

Mu Yuan burst into a goose bump, and there was a current in the spine. It was a moment of confusion, and he thought about it, it was your brother.

The entire military camp knows, is it you don't know?

Lying, hahahahaha.

Such a good news, is it necessary to stare at him?

"Who is pitting you, do you still protect him?"

"You...the younger said."

"Lehman?" Wesley is impossible. It can only be Lehman's little broken mouth. "Yes, I know."

Jack felt that the trial was over and the hand began to ignite. Mu Yuan was confused by him. He noticed that Jack touched him. He slammed a squid and slammed into Jack's nose. The nose of the Europeans and Americans was always high. The Jack's nose is red, and if he looks innocent, he picks up his short shorts and puts on one side. "Healache, headache..."

Slipped, slipped...

He has always positioned himself to attack.

Suddenly I felt that I was going to lie down. I didn't want to go in an instant. Although he was on the brain, he also had principles. There was a bottom line. Jack looked at his wolverine back.

This operation...


How can a special soldier be like this?

He did not expect that Mu Yuan had escaped halfway. This kid has become more and more daring recently. He has seized the opportunity to kiss and touch, and he is afraid of it.

Mu fled to the bathroom and directly solved himself. He could always read what the attacker had to do, but he did not know what to do.

Is he so pitted?

"The trough, Lehman, I want to kill you!!"

It’s too pitted!

Under the head of the lotus, Mu Yuanren quickly moved his right hand and washed a half-hour bath. This Christmas Eve is not safe.

Did he escape?

Jack will despise him?

He couldn't help but think secretly, Jack was very indulgent to him, and he was willing to wear his bracelet. He admits that he is his person, then... if he strongly demands it.

Jack will promise?

(End of this chapter)

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