Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2158: Recalling the father of the killing is very angry

Chapter 2158, remembering that the father-in-law is very angry

General Mu and others went out for a task and tied a simple command tent. Mu Yuan heard the screams of the brothers and sisters when Gaoqiao came back. Two stretchers passed by him. One of them had no legs and the calves were still Suddenly screaming with the muscles hanging, one person half of the cheek was injured, **** and fuzzy. More is the body.

A total of 28 teams went down in a few teams. Except for the snipers in the distance, the army was severely damaged. Mu Yuan looked a little embarrassed. Under the tension, the body began to have a violent reaction, like Countless knives were cut on the bones, and he endured life.

In the tent, the two generals were commanding the rescue, and the manpower was seriously insufficient. General Mu intends to participate in the rescue personally. One of them contacted the medical team and the helicopter.

"General, M Seals Marine Corps requested to participate in the rescue." A major reported.

General Mu was slightly indulged, "Allow!"


General Mu looked back and looked at Mu Yuan deeply. "Be a step here, don't move around!"

"Yes, general!"

Mu Yuan took a pain and sat on the side. There was no one in the tent. Gaoqiao guarded him. Another general also went out. Gaoqiao soon discovered that Mu Yuan’s something was wrong. He sat in a chair and burst into sweat. It’s pale, it seems to endure the pain that others can’t stand, Takahashi worriedly asked, “Mu Yuan? What happened to you?”

Mu Yuan gritted his teeth, listening to the screams and crying outside, and shook his head gently.


Of course he is suffering. I don’t know which part of the link went wrong, causing such a big loss. Did he believe that He Chunwang was wrong? Why didn't Jack fire a signal flare earlier?

Did he know that there was an ambush early? Can you know why you didn't tell him in the morning?

He should not give the U disk to Jack. He should not give the U disk to Jack.

No matter which part of the link went wrong, Mu Yuan vaguely felt that he had made a huge mistake, but did not know where the mistake was.

"Mu Yuan?" Mu Yuanzhong heard the voice of Takahashi. He was desperately glaring at Mu Yuan’s chin. Mu Yuan’s consciousness was a bit fuzzy. He was self-mutilated because of poisonous hair. He almost bit his tongue. Takahashi desperately glared at his chin, and the blood of his mouth continued to flow out of his mouth.

When General Mu came back, he saw this horrible form and instantly roared. "What happened?"

Takahashi is also confused, "I don't know."

Mu Yuan instantly slammed on the ground, his body trembled like a sheep, and curled up. General Mu rushed to continue to lick his chin, and then told Takahashi to "guard the tent and not let people in."


General Mu raised his head and raised his arm in Mu’s mouth, letting him bite. “Ah...”

Mu Yuan is like a beast. When he bites his bones, General Mu slaps on him. After all, he is distressed. The blood flows down his chin to the collarbone, and he immediately stains his clothes.

Mu Yuan was so painful that he continued to roll, while biting and screaming. Gaoqiao stood outside the tent and dared not leave. He saw a foreign military officer wearing a combat uniform came over and seemed to hear the voice of Mu Yuan. If you want to enter the tent, Takahashi’s arm is horizontal. "Mu General and Mu Yuanzhong are inside, and no one is allowed to enter."

Jack looked at the tent with a sullen look, nodded, and waited anxiously outside the tent.

It took nearly half an hour for it to gradually calm down. General Mu’s arm was bitten and flesh and blood came out. He simply wrapped the bandage around and let Takahashi go in and look at Mu Yuan and reach out to Jack.

"Hello, Mu Jianxin." General Mu’s English was also good, but because of his complex mood, he did not hear Jack’s self-reported door, thinking that he was only a member of the Marine Corps.

Jack reported the action tonight. "We sacrificed two intelligence officers and received the news a quarter of an hour before the action. This is a trap. The people inside have already withdrawn. Our people have died and sent a message. I first gave it. Mu Yuanzhong made a phone call. He was anxious about today's action, so he didn't receive a call when he went to the scene. I immediately used a signal bullet to alert the police. I didn't expect it to be late."

Jack bite clearly, General Mu also understood, thanked the Marine Corps for rescue tonight, "Thank you very much... the rescue of the major today, I only ask you a word, the drug factory in the U disk is true, we smashed it in one fell swoop Well, why did the lab arrange a trap, and Mu Yuan said that he gave the information to your officers. Is it a coincidence?"

"I swear by my life, this matter has nothing to do with the Marines!"

"Nothing? How to prove that you want this group of doctors, isn't it a stunned snake, let them set up a trap of suspicion, and finally we are ravaged?" General Mu sternly questioned, "Before I deployed the action, the aircraft was clearly photographed. The lab was as usual, and then there was a gunshot. Isn't it yours?"

Jack took a deep breath and could not justify this allegation. Because the incident was sudden, he put all the people into the rescue and did not investigate the cause. After all, human life is more important.

"I know that there are people in your M army. There is absolutely nothing good! Mu Yuan is this idiot!" Mu Jianxin screamed on his forehead.

Jack hurriedly argued, "Mu General, this is no small matter... Mu Yuanzhong, even if he does not give U disk, he uses the computer transmission of our army, I did not intercept it, but passed the road, personally asked him Yes, this proves my sincerity. I will never fall into his infidelity and injustice. I will give you an explanation for the sudden incident tonight. If there is something wrong with our army, I will go to the UN Military Tribunal. , requesting sanctions."

He really has to check if the lab was a trap at the beginning, or if it was really a stunned snake, and if it was the people on their side who accidentally stunned the snake and finally the Chinese were killed and wounded, this matter is no stranger to them. This is two tasks that do not interfere with each other. No one can predict what will happen.

Reasonable, but it is too late to go.

Two soldiers carried a corpse and passed by them. Mu Jianxin had a red eye. Jack had no intention of staying. He had too many things to deal with. Before leaving, Jack said, "Mu General, Mu Yuanzhong’s withdrawal has arrived. In the final stage, I know that you have not completely destroyed the blue ice. Before you completely quit, don't let him see it, and don't let him smell the blue ice. This is different from traditional drugs. If it is relapse, no one. Saved him."

If the situation is not urgent, he also has to order to evacuate, he will not be assured that Mu Yuan will be handed over to Mu Jianxin, even if it is the father of Mu Yuan.

"Is it blue ice?" Mu Jianxin was shocked.

"Yes, Mu Yuanzhong is a very brave warrior!"

"My good son is sent to your West Point training. It is not for you to test the poison. I will control how he got it. It is always irrelevant to your commander. Roll, roll, roll, and roll away!"

Jack has nothing to say, respectfully bow his head, "Yes!"


See you in Ming Dynasty, updated 7k5 today, a lot of ha, what awkward, ask the girls for the monthly ticket! !

(End of this chapter)

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