Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2195: Blame him for being too greedy

Chapter 2195 blames him for being too greedy

Rose thought she was just a single dog who listened to orders and didn't have time to fall in love. I really didn't want the enemy officers' glory. Lehman was so heartbroken that she didn't know that Major Mu Yuan had abandoned him.

"I said it for so long, why don't you give a little reaction, don't you think he is a scum man?" Lehman sought the frontline alliance, it was really not strong, and he did not even sneak with him.

Rose is embarrassed to say that he has problems with his three views and implicitly expresses his disapproval. "This is already a predecessor. It should be striding forward. People are far away from the school...not a slag."

"Which country are you?" Lehman anger.

Rose said, "Are you not sleepy?"

Lehman whispered down the down jacket and ran to the back seat to sleep. The woman was superficial. He couldn't hear his words. He didn't work with him. He wanted to apply for a partner who knew his heart.

Mu Yuan and Li Changfeng ate too late to go back and forth. They walked slowly and paced slowly. Li Changfeng was very happy to hold the roses. Before Mu Yuan’s apartment, Li Changfeng insisted that the sky was too late, and the roommates were sleeping, but You can stay at the professor's home.

After looking at the lens of Mu Yuan, he looked like a cold light. He played a high-cold person, perhaps standing in New York, and the same breath of air, the mood is not good. The temperament is even colder.

Li Changfeng hurriedly waved his hand. "Professor, I promise not to do anything!"

What is the difference between this kind of words and what men say?

Mu Yuan sighed, "Come in."

Li Changfeng happily followed Mu Yuan into the apartment, and almost jumped up with joy. Rose sent a short report to the monitoring room. They originally installed surveillance in Mu Yuan’s home, and they were cleverly blocked by Mu Yuan. So I can't see everything in Mu Yuan's apartment. It's a clever monitoring. It's basically hard to find in the eyes of a doll. Who knows that Mu Yuan has thrown the dolls to another sofa. On the top, the dolls are directly on the sofa, and the surveillance eyes are blocked.

Rose had some troubles. This twenty-four-hour turn guards, not everyone can eat it. The car was knocked on the window. Rose looked at Lieutenant Colonel Anderson and was shocked. He hurriedly opened the door, Jack. I got on the bus and said faintly, "I am going to rotate. You and Lehman are going back to rest."

Lehman got up in confusion, and he was driven away without knowing it. Jack still heard Lehman growl. "What? Mu Yuan took Li Changfeng home?"

The tone of life is like a husband who wants to **** in bed.

Very unstable!

He couldn't help but think of his cousin Lehman. When he used Lehman again, he was quite indulgent because he and his cousin had the same name. Not only did they have the same name, but their character was also...

Thinking of the cousin, Jack thought of the gun in the desert, saying, kill me.

Jack closed his eyes slightly. They went farther and farther. It was always his fault. If he was not greedy, he would try to test in front of General Mu. Xiaoyuan would not be beaten and would not be forbidden. The night tomb would not be a good fight. None of this will happen.

He and Mu Yuan will still be like the original, his vacation, have gone to China, Mu Yuan's holiday, have come to the M country, they are so dark Chen Cang, desperately looking for time to meet, happiness.

Blame him for being too greedy!

Recommend a friend Pig baby sprouting 哒 free new book "sweet wife on the top: Yu Shao, let go", tease than the female police officer? belly black boring president, sweet death does not pay. The crack wall is recommended, and the babies of the book can enjoy it.

(End of this chapter)

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