Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2198: I am very happy now.

Chapter 2198, I am very happy now.

Jack has returned to the car. He saw Li Changfeng coming out and reluctantly returned to his room. Jack Emei, Xiaoyuan has a nightmare? In addition to this conjecture, he did not know what to think.

Twenty minutes later, Mu Yuan came out. He went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. The camera couldn’t turn. Jack could only hear Mu Yuan’s footsteps. Then he was pleasantly surprised to find Mu Yuan sitting opposite the doll and holding a glass of water. Daze, he did not move, his eyes did not have any focal length, like the old man, and sat for a long time, until the heat in the cup gradually dissipated.

Jack can see him clearly, zooming in on the lens and seeing his slightly twitching eyelashes. Every time he sees Mu Yuan, he can remember the cousin who died.

But that thing, the person he hates the most is himself.

I hate the most, the most hateful, but it is myself.

Mu Yuan sat for a night and finally fell asleep on the sofa.

Early the next morning, Lehman came to work with Jack. He had some whispers about Mu Yuan, but he did not dare to make a mistake in front of Jack. Jack went home and slept for less than three hours. Rayleigh returned and asked him to talk about one thing.

"Roosevelt lets you take care of Li Ze and provide political asylum. If something goes wrong in the future, it is your back to the pot. This has a little influence on your reputation. I will give it to others."

Jack Emei, \' "Who to whom?"

"Hand over to Adolf of the special department!"

"No!" Jack objected to the name. This Adolf is actually a scavenger. This guy is extremely annoying. He has never had a cooperation with him. Instead, it was a year of Wesley and he had a cooperation with him. He is also good at specializing in, and it is worthy of Wesley's sloping gutters. If there is no worry, the Wesley will hang.

Adolf’s approach has always been cruel, and there is no legal system in his eyes. In order to achieve his goal, he is also a scavenger who handles some inconvenient things.

Worry-free is the anti-terrorist death squad. It has already served the dirtiest and most tiring work. If necessary, it is a death squad.

All the scavengers do are murderous and legally murderous.

If it is exposed, the above can be pushed dry.

If he and Xiaoyuan are facing each other, now he knows Xiaochang’s whereabouts and sends people to monitor. If he handed over to Adolf, he would not do it all the time, either killing Mu Yuan or killing Li Changfeng forever.

This person is still a very extreme anti-China, killing Mu Yuan is higher than Li Changfeng, and can make him feel happy.

Old Rayleigh said, "I know that Adolf has counted Wesley, and he has learned the lesson. He dare not count you. Li Ze’s affairs are very tricky, and it is best to give him the best deal."

"Besides, this is a very troublesome thing."

Jack said, "No trouble."

No trouble at all.

"Why don't you bother, this major sent by the Chinese country, surnamed Mu, is really willing, this surname is very valuable in their country, it is swaying to put Columbia, can not fight, can not kill, can only monitor, he does not When we shoot, we can't do it, which is very troublesome." Rayleigh feels that this kind of trouble is best left to the people in the special department.

Jack was silent, and Rayleigh remembered. "You are not still checking the whereabouts of He Chunwang. This matter is handed over to others. You are also free to come. You are not willing to take this task at first."

"I am very happy now."

(End of this chapter)

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