Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2201: He is my little pride

Chapter 2201, he is my little pride

Li Changfeng and Li Ze talked about it, and his father’s sin was not small at this time. There was no hope of returning to China. The official reinstatement was hopeless. Li Ze was very worried about his status and thought of Jack’s words. He took it. His hand, "Son, Dad is in a special situation. Now the whereabouts can't be revealed. You are the only son of Dad. Many people will use you to approach Dad. You have to beware of strangers. The people you touched after Dad's accident may be against you. Don't be ulterior, you must be prepared."

"Yes, Dad, I know." Li Changfeng was obediently obedient.

Mu Yuan naturally heard it, and he quietly drank coffee As if he didn't care about it all, Jack leaned back on the back of the chair and looked at him.

The longer the distance, the better.

He belongs to the kind of face that the Orientals said that the three courts and five eyes are very standard. The facial features and face ratios are particularly good. They have a very handsome and ideal face. When they are young, they are very angry. When they are young, they have a clear eyebrow. Do not go for a kind of jade. Supported by hard photos, but also able to stand up to the face, in the group of new recruits, the most eye-catching.

As the age grows, even if there is less youthfulness, this expensive atmosphere of the body is emitted from the inside out, and he is stunned into a jade youth.

No wonder, so bet the butterfly.

He missed the style of Mu Yuanping's head.

It seems to be more pleasing to the eye.

Mu Yuan noticed that the white hair on the opposite side had been staring at him. He was unhappyly gathered his eyebrows. Looking coldly and faintly, Jack smiled slowly and tried to be different from his own image. Mu Yuan was somewhat confused, but he did not think much. The agents in this coffee shop recognized him all at once, not because of their faces, because their attention was all on Li Ze and Li Changfeng, and the rest were sitting and listening. Music, handling things, pure coffee to relax.

The opposite white hair seems to be more interested in him, and one eye is not assigned to Li Ze and his son.

His style, so attracted to the nuts?

Several agents looked at Li Ze and Li Changfeng eagerly, fearing that Mu was close, Li Changfeng asked, "Dad, when are you free to move?"

"After a while, they are already on the go. As long as the program is finished, I am a citizen here. They provide refuge and will not take me."

"Then you want to exchange something, you..."

"This is a matter for adults. Don't worry, remember Dad's words, don't let people with bad intentions approach you."

"Nobody has a bad heart, Dad, I want to introduce you to someone."

Jack whispered to the agent in the restaurant, "Don't let him approach Li Ze."

When he heard the words, Li Changfeng waved and greeted Mu Yuan. He seemed to be interested in introducing Li Ze. "Professor, this is my father..."

Mu Yuan waited for Li Changfeng's words. He stood up and walked towards them. A waiter came over with coffee and bumped Mu Yuan. On one side of the body, he said apologetically. Mu Yuan touched his pocket and his mobile phone disappeared. .

"Stand up!" Mu Yuan Li drink!

The waiter quickly opened the door and fled. Mu Yuan chased it out. Jack reached out and picked up his earphones. He coughed. The agent said, "Sir, you can rest assured that I will not be a major to the Chinese state. Start, lest you be embarrassed."

"You misunderstood!" Jack's tone was a little faint. "I am making you careful, don't hurt too badly."

(End of this chapter)

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