Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2214: Who moved Li Changfeng?

Chapter 2214 Who Moved Li Changfeng

She paused and understood everything. "Without Major Mu Yuan, you are doing a little better. OK, he doesn't doubt you. It's barely a peaceful family, but his happiness is gone, and his heart is dead. You If he is not beautiful, he is aware of it. Afterwards, the Anderson family will fall apart. The father will not become a father and son, and the relatives will hurt. The enemy is fast. Is this the ending you want?"

Rayleigh sat still, his face was not very good-looking, Amanda said, "The family is also the only son. General Mu knows this, but he has not sent someone to kill your son. Don't be stupid."

"In case they are entangled in the future?"

"As he likes it, my son doesn't do anything that hurts the world. He has a moral conscience. He likes a person. What matters."

"You said it's easy." Rayleigh Anderson's face was gloomy. "John has been running for president for a few years. Our family has been preparing for it. We will work hard. If Jack's things are squatting, if it is publicized by Roosevelt, John. Not to mention the election, now the position of the members can not be saved, we parents can bear, my brother, Julia and Wesley why give him?"

"If Wesley got this out, would you give up?"

"That wouldn't be natural!"

"Oh, I know, I want to tell John, you feel that your conduct is better than him."

Rayleigh anger, "You... this is a strong word."

"You obey, shout back, and you haven't made a big mistake!" Amanda patiently persuaded, "You really want Jack to hate you."

Rayleigh sat for a moment, and he was reluctant to call, and he withdrew the person from the hospital. He no longer ambushed Mu Yuan. In fact, in his country, he wants to kill someone. It is easy.

In the hospital, Mu Yuan saw Lehman, but he was in a hurry. It was confirmed to be Lehman, but Lehman avoided him. Mu Yuan’s face was not good-looking. Li Changfeng’s person was in the emergency room. The operation was not over yet. A fire. So deliberately disappeared in the door of the emergency room, blocking Lehman in the corridor of the hospital, the two hit a shot!

Lehman played Mu Yuan. It was not easy to win in the first two years. He took advantage of the natural advantages of black people and his strength was much greater than that of Mu. Now it takes a lot of effort to win Mu Yuan, which is very difficult.

The two men reached the safe passage from the corridor. Mu Yuan slammed Lehman on the wall. In order to avoid trouble, Mu Yuan could not hold a gun in New York. Jack was different. Many countries legally held guns. After all, they occupied the country. convenient. Mu Yuan's **** locked Lehman's throat, his eyes reddened by anger, "Let Jack Anderson come to see me!"

Lehman had suffered from the loss of the lock throat, and did not dare to move. He was a prejudice against Mu Yuan for many years, and he was silent. Mu Yuan’s foot was on his bones. Lehman only felt that his bones had to be broken.

It hurts to sweat, he is a tough guy, and he doesn't say anything.

"Is it Li Changfeng who sent him to kill?"

"No comment!" Lehman's life is being shackled, and it is not at all empty. Death is a word, afraid of anything!

"No comment!" Mu Yuan smiled coldly, waved his fist and squatted on his face. "Go back and tell him that there are any means to come, afraid of him, I am not Mu Yuan!"

Mu Yuan pushed open the door of the safe passage and went out. Lehman licked the almost broken leg, and he had to jump up. As Mu Yuan grew older and his experience grew, he couldn’t beat Mu Yuan now?

a bolt from the blue! !

(End of this chapter)

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