Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2217: Mu Yuan’s suspicion

Chapter 2217 Mu Yuan's suspicion

"what about me?"

"That's not the same." He blurted out at the beginning of the night.

"Where is it different?"

Lost at night, where is it different? She said a little bit unclear, it can't be said that it is different, but it is different.

Wei Lin rushed in and daring to break the spicy eye posture of the two-person baby. "Two less, there is something wrong with Major Mu Yuan."

"what's up?"

"Li Changfeng was assassinated and sent to the hospital."

Jumping up at the beginning of the night, "What about that little distance?"

In the evening, Wu Yuan was listed as the first place in the enemy list! ! !

The first sentence of this girl jumped up is to ask Xiaoyuan?

"Mu Yuanyuan also went to the hospital, and ... the top secret agents of the 11 Marines were ambushed around the hospital."

"What?" The night court leaped in the heart, and couldn't care about jealousy. If Mu Yuan had something wrong, under his eyes, his brother would shut him down.

Wei Lin passed the picture taken by the aircraft to the mobile phone on the night court. The two hurriedly went downstairs. When leaving, Xiao Xiaoju was optimistic about the beginning of the night and did not go out.

At the beginning of the night, I was very worried about Mu Yuan. Although she was pure and innocent, she had a strong temper and wanted to do whatever she wanted to do. However, she always knew that she would not trouble the night court, nor did she propose to go out to find Mu Yuan, but she gave me nervously. Mu Yuan sent a message. When Mu Yuan gave her a message, he knew that he was safe.

Monitor the room.

The pictures taken by the aircraft were very complicated. Eleven agents formed a network of snipers. Five of them were snipers, distributed around the commanding heights of the hospital. Each commanding point was aligned with the door of the emergency room.

Each muzzle can aim at Mu Yuan’s head.

No matter how powerful people are, they can't hide the first shot of the sniper, the first shot of the ace sniper, one hit, unless you know that the bullets are flying early.

The speed of the bullet can be much faster than the escape of the person. If you know it, it will not help.

On the big screen, the identity of eleven people is displayed. They are the ace agents of the Marine Corps. The tasks performed by these people are all at the level of hell. So many people are besieged by Mu Yuan, and they are desperate for his life.

"Who sent it?"

Weiling didn't know who sent it. Someone who might have assigned so many agents had their hands out.

"To send our people to reinforce and explain to them, this is a mission that has no return, and it is necessary to protect the peace of Major Mu Yuan."

"Yes!" Wei Lin quickly went to organize the manpower. The Pioneer team of the night court set up a group of 16 people. Just after halfway through, the monitoring center found that the eleven agents left without a word.

Without a little cloud, it is estimated that even a mouse is not alarmed.

In the night court, a heart fell back, and ordered to withdraw the person, directly to the night to say this.

In the hospital.

Li Changfeng’s operation ended. After the operation, one third of the lungs were lost. The situation was basically stable and saved a life. Mu Yuan signed the letter for Li Changfeng in the name of Li Changfeng’s teacher. He had not awakened after anesthesia and could not speak for a while. Mu Yuan asked the doctor, "Can I take a look at hitting his bullet?"

"it is good!"

The doctor did not suspicious, gave the bullet to Mu Yuan, and then took the person away. The blood-stained bullet was a 9X19 military bullet. Now most police departments and elite departments have given up this seed bomb and chose the killing power in actual combat. The bigger kind of bullet, Mu Muyuan knows that there is an elite force still using this bullet.

(End of this chapter)

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