Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2222: Mu Yuan's plan

Chapter 2222, Mu Yuan's plan

"How did you get it in his body? After the liquid was traced in, there would be a little pain. Didn't he feel it?" The night court was a little confused.

"I hit him when I was fighting, and the pain that hit him was already overshadowed by this needle."

The night court is dark and smart, and a child who listens to the command can do so. Mu Yuan said, "Jack is very smart. He knows the liquid tracking thing. He will guess if I have already scored it, so you have to prepare both hands. First, Jack deliberately let Lehman come to a false curve. The trap was made to expose my people. Second, he did not find it. Lehman would really take care of Li Ze."

In any case, be prepared for both hands, in case something can still be dealt with.


The night court thought for a moment, "Have you ever thought about it, you have a feeling card, maybe he is soft for a moment, deliberately revealing flaws for you to complete this task, after all, his character must not look at Li Ze, originally exchanged Li Ze is Roosevelt's business. It doesn't matter to their Anderson family. I don't understand why he must perform this task unless there is any reason for it, such!"

Mu Yuan is more important to Anderson, and perhaps others can see more clearly.

"He won't." Mu Yuan said that he knows Jack better than the night court. Even if he wants to be soft, let him extradite Li Ze. It is also based on the information he got. If he can't get it, he is not. Will be easy to let go. "I heard that their experiments have gone wrong. Many people have been damaged. There are more than a dozen volunteers who have experienced stress. Now we are looking for help. We can't provide experimental data. Li Ze is his only chance."

Since the only chance, it will not give up!

Lehman has been guarding him all the time.

The night court slammed two small teams in the hospital yesterday to kill him. Mu Yuan was also very surprised. When he entered the hospital, he did not feel that there was a network around him.

"It didn't take long before you arrived at the hospital, and they retreated." The night court gave him the information of this group of people. "All of them are land warfare engineers, a group of real strongmen."

All the moves to kill Mu Yuan is a meaning, Mu Yuan must die!

Mu far looked awkward and had some ecstasy. "I can probably guess who it is."

Rayleigh Anderson.

Except for him, there will be no other people. Why did he suddenly retreat?

Mu Yuan’s mobile phone can’t be traced in the miss building, so the people on the side of Jack can’t trace his information and don’t know what they are talking about. Mu Yuan’s heart is a plan. “You have a way to make the domestic Li Ze more confident. To give Li Ze a message? Use Li Changfeng’s future to marry him. By the way, this time Li Changfeng’s accident is pushed to me.”

"You are not trying to push Li Ze completely to Anderson?" The night court did not understand his plan. "If I am Li Ze, I will use intelligence exchange to protect Li Changfeng."

"I want him to do this!" Mu Yuan said faintly, "I want Li Ze to choose. He believes in Anderson, or believes in his home country, telling him that if he keeps his mouth shut and swallows intelligence, at least Li Changfeng can keep it. Live. Jack must have induced Li Ze to believe that it is the hands and feet of the people in China, so we will count on it."

In the evening, "It’s too risky."

"Go and do it." Mu Yuan held his hand and stood up. "I have a problem, I am here."

"Well, since you think about it, I will send someone to contact."

(End of this chapter)

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