Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2231: Scene of tragedy

Chapter 2231: The Scene of Tragedy

Mu Yuan looked at the video in the mobile phone. The agent in the night court participated in the action today, so there was an aircraft on the scene. This aircraft is very small, like a small fly. It can be eaten by birds in midair, not at all. striking. Because the function is still not perfect, the solar power supply of the aircraft has some shortcomings, and it is arbitrarily broken down on the way. When the remote adjustment is good, it will capture the following tragic scene.

In the picture, at least a dozen agents were shot dead.

It was a real gunfire. The bullets were like no money. They continually fired and separated the two teams of Rose, and then began the slaughter mode.

Mu Yuan can see from the video that there should be at least four snipers shooting at the commanding heights. Jack and Wesley are hiding in the two corners, and the bullets hit the pillars beside them, splashing countless dust.

Mu Yuan looked at the two faces that looked like seven or eight in the picture. The heartbeat quickly accelerated. Jack didn’t know what to say to the Bluetooth headset. It’s obviously a bit of anxious, it’s a rare temper, and Wesley’s situation is not good. Where to go, what to say to the Bluetooth headset, Mu Yuan is looking at the mouth is to adjust people.

In the video, there were gunshots, and those agents who could not respond were caught off guard. The blood flowed to the ground, and even more people were implicated, lying on the ground and crying. In the rain of bullets, Wesley and Jack were crushed by ammunition. The head could not be lifted and could not be rescued at all.


There is still a wound on him.

The last time I was seriously injured in the Golden Triangle, although I was free from action, I have not recovered completely.

In the video, blood flows into the river.

Mu Yuan looked glaring at a glance, and felt that he was being grilled on a fire rack. Just like watching the lab explosion, they lost more than a dozen lives.

If he led the team and was completely annihilated, he could only watch it, it was a torture.

All are soldiers, this feeling is the most empathetic.

"Jack..." Mu Yuan’s voice was hoarse. After Gaoqiao’s affairs, he hated Jack a bit. How many hates he could have, how much love would be there, and he would struggle in love and hate all the time, pulling his body and tearing him. The heart can see this scene.

Love and hate are no longer important.

"Who did it? Are our people not withdrawn?" Mu Yuan’s voice became low and hoarse because of anger.

In the face of such a disaster, love and hate are worthless.

"You turn the picture again." The night court said faintly.

Mu Yuan quickly turned the picture, black in front of him, and sniper Cai Zhou entered the picture. All of his latent teams who participated in the mission appeared in the picture and continually fired.


Cai Zhou has returned, and at a safe point, he is certain that the people under his hand will not be arrogant.

The night court said, "Yes, I have already confirmed the position of Cai Zhou, and I have confirmed that everyone has withdrawn, but someone pretends to be you and continues this war."

A good move to pick up the wood, the big pot.

"Send someone..." Mu Yuantou hurts, almost forgot, this is New York, downtown, less than five minutes, Jack and Wesley can call their own people to reinforce, do not need him to send people to help, say To be honest, their arms are far worse than they are. After all, it is not easy to get arms.

(End of this chapter)

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