Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2244: Everyone has selfishness

Chapter 2244 Everyone has selfishness

Mu far and steady out of Anderson's home, Lehman's car stopped not far away, Jack's voice was a little hoarse, "Lehman, don't follow him."

"Yes, sir."

Finally, I don’t have to continue to follow Master Mu Yuan. It’s just self-abuse.

But he watched Major Mu Yuan coming out of the villa. Some of them were lost and desperate. I wanted to say something to him in the past. Hey, our lieutenant colonel said it was a lie. The chip didn’t matter to him. I don’t know who was counted. They are also confused. The death of Takahashi cannot be arbitrarily smashed. The chief culprit is Li Ze, not them.

However, giving him a hundred courage, he did not dare to succumb to Jack Yang, can only sit and sit, the sir naturally said that naturally, his intentions, really love the miserable heart.

I can watch Mu Yuan’s feelings of being so desperate, and his heart is not a taste.

The relationship between the two men, Lehman is afraid of being the only witness from beginning to end. He has seen the picture of Mu Yuanzhen who kissed Jack on the back of Jack. He saw Major Mu Yuan laughing and shouting Jack’s name. While rushing to hold his picture, he saw the picture of his chief secretly watching Mu Yuan's photos. He also saw that because of Mu Yuan's deep shackles, Jack was desperate for all the pictures of him.

If he is absent, there is no witness in this relationship.

No one has proved that they have talked about an unforgettable feeling.

That is terrible.

Cai Zhou’s car stopped at Mu Yuan’s side. Mu Yuan opened the door and got on the bus. Cai Zhou looked at Mu Yuan in a complicated mood. He did not finish all the way. Mu Yuan returned to the apartment.

"Major, please punish, I made a mistake!" Cai Zhou lowered his head and stood by Mu Yuan, Mu Yuan raised his hand, let him not say, he picked up the monitoring eyes in the doll.

"Say it."

Cai Zhou closed her eyes and hesitated for a moment. "When you said retreating, I saw myself from the sniper mirror. At that time, my heart was very strange. Then I checked the surroundings and found that someone was deploying troops and wanted to Li Ze. I shot, I... I missed it and didn’t report it. It’s my fault.

"I saw that the sniper mirror of that person was directed at Li Ze's car. I thought it might be directed at Li Ze. I want to avenge Takahashi. Even if Li Ze is not dead, I will be injured, but I did not expect it. The chasing guns will be so serious, causing such a large casualty. I blame me for not promptly warning, sorry, major."

Everyone has their own selfishness.

This selfishness can be big, small, and can be hidden. You can't hide and see your own principles. Cai Zhou is a silent sniper. In addition to Gaoqiao's death, Mu Yuan never saw him say such a big passage.

Takahashi’s death has always been a knot in his heart. He wants revenge, nothing wrong.

"Cai Zhou, you... you know, Li Ze can't die!" Mu Yuan slightly gnashed his teeth, and the data of the domestic laboratory was also interrupted because Li Ze took away the experimental data of this decade and caused irreparability. The damage, he spent a lot of time to ask Li Ze to live for these data, because the experiment is closed and dangerous, and a little anti-human, these data are not backed up, all three people have been kept together, no more, no more, then create It takes a lot of work to waste.

The development of science and technology is changing with each passing day. It can take a long way in a year. What is more than a few years, they must fight every second. This is why Li Ze must live.

(End of this chapter)

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