Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2246: Xiaoyuan, you have changed.

Chapter 2246 Xiao Yuan, you have changed.

Mu Yuan and the night mausoleum talked to the end, Mu Yuan suddenly asked, "This time I act, who knows besides you?"

The night to ask, "What do you mean?"

"My actions are decided on an ad hoc basis. The other party should also make a temporary decision, so it is impossible to plan ahead. The weapons must be there immediately. The manpower is also. So accurately get the list of all my personnel, the route, I don't. I believe this is a coincidence." Mu Yuan said, "Someone must have revealed the news."

"I contacted you alone, using encrypted lines, not exposed, the file did not stay from beginning to end, no one listened, I made sure that I have no problem here."

The night sighed. "Before you called, I had already let the night court go to the monitoring room of the miss."

Mu Yuan can think of it, he can naturally think of it, so accurately got the list of people and the road map, it must be leaked news, the other party is not carefully planned to temporarily cooperate with Mu Yuan's things, there must be a large number of arms support behind.

"You want to stay and investigate this?"

"Cai Zhou and others all withdraw first, give me a week, I want to contact Mrs. Li Ze again, in case Li Ze left a hand and left a trump card for their mother and child."

The night tomb is a little bit sloppy, "no selfishness?"

"No!" Mu Yuan said quietly. "I had a break with the past last night. From now on, you don't have to worry about what I did."

"I am not worried!"


"What are you?"

"I just want to suddenly think about it."

The night tomb has always been simple and rude. "One week, no more than one day, I will send someone to book your ticket and return home."

"it is good."

Mu Yuan arranged Cai Zhou and others, first talked with the night court, and then went to the hospital to see Li Changfeng. This incident was soaring, Li Ze was dead, Li Changfeng must know.

However, he did not expect to wish him a bright future last night. There was a lot of old and dead, and Jack, who had forgotten about the rivers and lakes, was stuck in the door of his apartment. He was wearing a long black coat and standing under the deciduous trees. There was a bit of Mori’s breath, and Mu Yuan’s heart stunned and walked calmly. He probably had something to ask.

Mature, Mu Yuan!

Like a major in Greater China, don't give the Mu family shame.

"Isn't it that I don't want to go to each other, so I am looking for it so soon?" Mu Yuan ridiculed, last night's heartbreak and tears seemed to be just a dream of Jack.

“After you made the plan, how many people know?”

Mu Yuan also guessed that he was asking this question. Those who were innocently dead are too embarrassed. No matter what kind of grievances he and Jack have, it is not sloppy to cooperate with him.

"Night Mausoleum, Night Court, Miss Monitoring Room members, the night mausoleum brothers must be no problem, the night court will check their own internal members, I will tell you with the news." Mu Yuan, a public office attitude.

"List to me, let me check."

"You have no difference in checking him and checking him." Mu Yuan did not agree with his means. He fell in his hands. If he was not dead, he would have lost his life. "This is a clue. You should send someone to the black market to see one." Look, if you can adjust so many arms within two hours, except for the military, it is the arms dealer. If it is the official arms dealer, the bullet number can be there. If you smuggle, you are more clear than me, and the cross-cue will lock the target. ”

Jack is silent for a moment, "Mr. Mu Yuan, when I investigate such cases, you are still training."

"Yes, I forgot that Lieutenant Colonel Anderson is very experienced and will definitely find out what is going on. Then I will not give advice." Mu Yuan helped the glasses and took a step back. "Goodbye."

Jack checked this kind of terrorist attack, the experience is much richer than others. He watched Mu far on the car and stunned his eyebrows. He personally contacted the night court and wanted a list.

The night court is also a bit uncomfortable.

There are not many people who know this thing. Except for the night mausoleum, the monitoring members of miss, Mu Yuan, Cai Zhou and the latent agents, there is no doubt. The night mausoleum will not have problems, and he will not do such a thing. That is the information officer.

In such an investigation, the human heart is cold, and it cannot be checked. If the list is given to Jack, it will be publicly investigated.

He just gave a phone call to Yuling. He suggested that the night maid should investigate the latent agent again. If someone rebelled, he believed in the members of his company. If someone is the enemy's eyeliner, the miss has always been good and has never happened. Things are not good for them. If the latent agents are rebellious, it is different.

"Sir Anderson, I swear by the honor of Major Mu Yuan, I will not be smug, and I will give you a reply within two days."

(End of this chapter)

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