Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2251: Xiaoyuan, don't you hate me?

Chapter 2251 Xiao Yuan, don't you hate me?

Mu Yuan took his wrist and dragged him to the side. He escaped the medicine in his hand. He was a medicine for suppressing mental illness. Mu Yuan looked very familiar. He looked at him with surprise. "What disease do you have?" ?"

He Chunwang did not answer, a little avoiding his problems, and took the medicine backhand. Mu Yuan felt pain and hate in his heart. The whole United States was so big, but he met in the hospital.

"Where have you been in these years?"

Did you follow King, did you go to the agent island, what happened, why did you make it like this, why the body is so bad.

He Chunwang clenched his fist and coughed a few times, shook his head. "You don't care about me, I'm fine."

"Stand up." Mu Yuan shouted at him who was rushing away. "Where?"

"Come back home."

"Where is your house?"

"what are you going to do?"

Mu Yuan thought, what should he do? He naturally has something to ask. "When the laboratory exploded, was it planned from the beginning?"

"No!" He Chunwang suddenly looked up and looked at his eyes, full of horror. The shy young boy, facing the once-loved person, was still a helpless look. "You misunderstood me. ”


"I don't know, I thought... I will only give you a lesson. I died father, so many friends died, I just want to... out." He Chunwang looks very uncomfortable, his eyes are red, his body is thin. Wrapped in a coat, watching is even more desolate. "I didn't expect to cause such a big casualty. I am terrified. It is not my intention."

"I looked back at you, but you disappeared. Where have you been?" Mu Yuan asked, this is his most wonderful question.

"I came here to work." He Chunwang was originally a researcher, a genius technical house, and such a person would like it regardless of the kind of research department.

He is smart, talented, and he does everything seriously.

He used to study here. It was not difficult to find a job. He Chunwang quietly looked at Mu Yuan. "I missed you later, but I didn't dare, I am afraid of you... I feel that I have hurt your brother, I am afraid that you hate it. I, Xiaoyuan, I am not interested."

"Okay, I know." Mu Yuan’s voice sounded calm and waveless. He looked like his face, and looked at his face with distress. "Have you eaten?"

Mu Yuan’s concern for He Chunwang is as much a concern as he was when he was young. At that time, although he was undercover, he always cared about He Chunwang. The entire Liuhehui, he also knew that He Chunwang had never participated in anything.

From the perspective of He Chunwang, no matter what he retaliated, Mu Yuan could not say a second sentence.

He Chunwang’s eyes suddenly turned red, and the hospital people came and went. Some people wondered why such a tall man cried like a child.

Mu Yuan wants to pat his head as a teenager can't do it.

He Chunwang is taller than him.

This child is really good at development, tall and thin, "small far..."

"Let's go, I invite you to eat." Mu Yuan put the phone in his pocket, and pressed a shortcut button, but the face is not revealing, He Chunwang's footsteps are awkward, dare not keep up, Mu Yuan asked, "how? Already?"

"Small, you... don't you hate me?"

"The young master, since things in Myanmar have nothing to do with you, I hate what you do, then look like this now...who will hate you?" He Chunwang seems to be dying at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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