Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2254: It’s old.

Chapter 2254 is an old one.

The monitors are checking the cameras and even turning the angles of all the cameras to see if they have taken suspicious people, but they have never seen He Chunwang.

There is an ominous premonition in Jack's heart. "Four neighborhoods, a few broken cameras?"

This is the main city, the taxpayer pays more, the camera is also more, the police deployment is also in place, basically there is something, at any time someone can reinforce the position, the camera can shoot every corner.

The informant quickly returned, "Anderson, there are 16 cameras in four blocks that have broken down, and three of them have been broken for half a year, because in a dead corner, no one is going to repair, eight of them are three days ago. Broken, the rest is broken today."

Jack thought a little, "One person checked the broken camera yesterday, and one person checked the camera today."

Suddenly, there was a red dot on Mu Yuan’s temple. Mu Yuan sat up slightly and the bones began to tremble. He was pointed at by a sniper rifle. “Jack...”

Jack is setting the task, hearing his voice, and subconsciously returning to God, "How..."

His voice suddenly stayed, and he clearly saw a red dot on Mu Yuan's temple. Mu Yuan's body leaned forward slightly, and the red dot slowly moved with Mu Yuan.

He has been pointed at his head.

Jack's heart beats, raising his hand slightly, "Retreat."

Lehman and the other agents saw his gesture and quickly retreated. Jack was black in front of him and slowly looked at Mu Yuan, a gesture.

Don't be afraid!


If a bullet of a sniper has been aiming for a long time, Mu Yuan is the master of the sky, and it is difficult to escape. Whether it is forward or backward, Mu Yuan is very easy to escape, and the place where He Chunwang chooses is very good.

No dead ends.

Lehman shouted, "Sir, you choose an obstacle first."

This must be the sound of the East, such as Major Mu Yuan said, He Chunwang likes him, how can he hurt him, Mu Yuan must be a bait, must kill Jack.

Jack is also exposed to the sniper's line of sight.

Jack saw Mu Yuan's chest, and there was also a red dot in the heart. The two red dots overlapped. Mu Yuan moved slightly, and the two red dots overlapped and overlapped.

Three snipers stared at Mu Yuan.

As long as Jack has a wrong order, they will immediately kill Mu Yuan.

Mu Yuan was sour and soft in his heart. He was expected to be half in the end. If he was only a sniper, he was able to escape. Even if he was injured, he should not be killed.

I just didn't expect that the young master was so embarrassed that three snipers were facing him. Obviously, they were very good three snipers, especially the two red dots on the chest.

This shock, like someone armed with a gun at a close distance to his head, he can escape a sniper bullet, absolutely can not escape the second. This is what he can determine.

"Sir." Lehman was a little anxious. Jack didn't dare to do anything against Lehman. He was afraid that the sniper could see it. He Chunwang had some cheerful voices in his earphones. "Long time no see, Anderson sir."

Everyone tightened a line, why did He Chunwang easily invade the communication system of Jack's team?

Jack looked at Mu Yuan and said, "What do you want?"

"Lieutenant Colonel Anderson has been investigating me all the time, which makes it difficult for me to do it. First remove your people from the four blocks." He Chunwang said faintly, "I just came to Xiaoyuan and you are not nervous." ”

(End of this chapter)

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