Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2269: Sorry, I Love You

Chapter 2269 Sorry, I love you.

In front of the Empire State Building, people came and went. Everyone saw only a sinister man who seemed to grab a life-saving driftwood and hugged another tall, handsome man.

The tall man seems to have tears in his eyes, but he is hidden in the darkness.

Mu far breathed deeply. He always told himself the last time, but he didn't know it himself. When will he be the last time? He didn't know if no one's love affair was so difficult. He knew his love affair. It’s really too long.

Family, friends, come out, everyone comforted, accompanied in his eyes, seems to have become an empty, no help, he does not want to break up, Jack said, Takahashi died because of him, he is deliberate, how much is true, How much is forcing him to recognize the facts, he does not know, but he knows that if Jack says that Takahashi’s death has nothing to do with him, he has no way to die for Jack in his life.

Today, dead heart?

Mu Yuan bit his lip restrained, almost biting his shoulder.

The bitter tears were pressed back and forth. It was said that Jack’s shoulder was also a disaster. For him to be hurt, he was bitten by several teeth without hesitation.

It is the only place where he can prop up his world when he is helpless.

He loves this person.

Willing to give up the pleasure of being a man for him, willing to lie under him and be willing to give everything he has to him. Over the years, for Jack, he has never violated the military order, but for he once gave His destroyer drove into the territorial waters of other countries, letting his destroyer's auxiliary guns reinforce the area where he should not reinforce.

When my brother asked him, this breakup, sooner or later, points, early points, late points, is a point, it is better than short pain, but he does not want to, he would rather break up after ten years, with ten years of memories, he is willing to bear Fifty years of separation.

I never thought that they could not persist for ten years.

At first, he knew that this was a dead end and he took Jack to accompany him to a carnival. He and Jack said that we were only fighting for the night, he was wrong.

He is too wrong to be wrong.

At the age of eighteen, he did not know how much sadness it was for love to fight for the night. He rushed to pull Jack into the abyss, and Jack shouldn’t be with him.

It is he who is bent on his own way.

If he is not alone, love, Jack may not be so painful, he and he are a parallel line, he did not think that he will develop a love with the enemy officers.

It is he who is wrong.

Big mistakes.

What is wrong with Jack?

He did nothing wrong, but he was involved in a pursuit of his pursuit, destined to endless crazy love.

For a lifetime... no relief.

He understood it too late and many mistakes have been made.

Sadly, he did not regret it a bit. If he came back again, he would even... he would like to reincarnate, and he will always be fixed in his 18 years old and Jack 20 years old.

At that time, how happy they were.

But everything is futile, just like time pushes him, he has to grow up. He is far from 18 years old, far away, and his responsibility on his shoulders is getting heavier and heavier.

Sorry, my lover.

I am bothering you.

I am doing something wrong, I should not take you, accompany me to carnival, this love is my selfishness, it is my dullness, it is me... I am acting alone, harming you and me.

Please... please forgive me!

The light pulled the two figures long, and Jack always stood straight. Mu Yuan hugged and embraced the arms that once belonged to him. He wanted to kiss Jack's earlobe and secretly told him.

Even if I have a thousand knives, I have never regretted falling in love with you.

After many years, even if we are still separated, and each has a family, you have people who have been with you for a lifetime, and please be sure to... Don’t look back at this immature love.

Be sure... don't regret having loved me!

In this way, this life has not gone in vain.

"I'm sorry!" Mu Yuan's voice was a little hoarse, and his tears were swallowed back. He slowly pushed Jack away. He didn't look up to see who supported him, as if he had a bad time and it didn't matter. Passersby.

He is deeply embarrassed, "Sorry, I am dying, forgive me."

He turned his head and slowly left. Although his footsteps were somewhat floating, his heart was very stable. The pedestrians who came on the face looked at him with surprise and pity. He didn't understand why this handsome oriental man was so sad and burst into tears. .

Jack looked at his back deeply, and the frost in the early spring hit the heart, and Jack's nose was sour.

His little far...

He didn't dare to look up at him. It was so sad.

He had such an impulsive impulse and wanted to tell him that he had no less love for him than this. He had never been harassed by him, never... What could he do?

Since he promised to leave Mu Yuan, he has wanted to repent many times. He knows that it is not the gentleman who knows that Mu Yuan has suffered so much and cannot fail.

Still reluctant.

He used to think that this life will never hurt Mu Yuan, it is him.

However, it is him that hurts the deepest.

You can't give him a lifetime, a short love, sooner or later will bring him a pain. Jack looked at him stiffly and looked at Mu Yuan gradually drifting away. The gleaming birthday on the high-rise building was like a knife poked into his heart.

"Small, take care."

Forgive me for wishful thinking.

Even if you never see it again, you will always be my lover.

Sorry, I Love You.

I wish you all a happy reunion in the Mid-Autumn Festival, and then the end of the month is fast, ask for a wave of tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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