Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2276: Wesley looked for terrorists and recognized

Chapter 2276 Wesley finds terrorists and recognizes them.

Jack simply said things, omitting some of the details between him and Mu Yuan. Old Rayleigh licked his lips and leaned back slightly. "How likely are you to get emotional cards with him and get the information?"

"Zero." Jack said faintly. "He won't agree. He sees his reputation as more important than his own life."

"Why do you want to use it, white gives people a diligent attitude. I thought that you did this in order to play the emotional card and ask the small majors to ask for information. The result is just to be diligent. I really misread you."

John, "..."

Amanda, "..."

Jack, "..."

John felt that the egg hurts. His brother's temper is very ugly. It is really a bad man. It is a person who is upright. He is said to be a villain and kiss his son.

Jack took a deep breath and didn't care about being buried by relatives. "For the sake of the present, if you want to get this information, you have to fight through diplomatic means. We really can't afford it."

Old Rayleigh frowned, originally wanted to use Li Ze, simply got the information, did not expect Li Ze to leave a hand, "Hua Guoren really is a treacherous and famous, hateful!"

Jack, "..."

Amanda said, "This matter will be resolved diplomatically."

This is already the last resort. If we use diplomatic means to solve it at the outset, perhaps they will not be so passive. Now they will be opened by lions.


Old Rayleigh said, "You change your position and change the guard to go to counter-terrorism. This time something happened. There must always be a person in charge, or block Roosevelt's mouth."

"Yes!" Jack has no complaints. "When I finish the matter of He Chunwang."

"You handed it to Wesley."

"I have to deal with it myself!" Jack was indifferent. "He is not dead, I am not at ease."

"You..." Old Rayleigh had to worry again. "Who are you for, are you not worried?"

"For me." Jack looked calm. "Dad, wait for me to handle this, I am going to the Pacific Command for a while."

"I know, I will arrange."

"Yes!" Jack nodded and got up. "Nothing, I went back to the house."

"Wait..." Old Rayleigh had a little bit of kindness. "You lost love, don't you have to go out and let go? Give you a vacation?"

"Dad!" Jack looked at him and said slowly, "I have fallen out of love for a long time."

The meaning of the words has been adjusted.

Jack left and said,

Old Rayleigh looked uncomfortable. "Did you have seen Mu Yuan? Who is it, why do you marry my son? Where can I not match my son?"

"What do you mean by saying that you want to get married with General Mu?"

"Forget it."

Amanda shook her head, so do you know why?

John, "Brother, are you sure you want to help me be president?"


"If this nephew is a little bit related to Mu Yuan is a major, you can't help it." This is not innocent, and certainly won't get the votes. It is estimated that the son and the nephew will come out together to sell laughter and get tickets.

"Shut up, you!"

Old Rayleigh was dying, and John was a little embarrassed. "When Wesley is silent, bring a man back to fall in love, what can I do?"

"John, you care too much." Amanda looked sullen.

John is very embarrassed. "It's better to fall in love with terrorists."

Rayleigh, "..."

John said to himself, "I decided that Wesley only wanted to find a woman. No matter who I am, I agree that terrorists can do it."

Amanda, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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