Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2281: Little brother and little apple quarrel

Chapter 2281, Xiao Erge and Little Apple quarrel

I was confused at the beginning of the night. "I'm not right, I know that men and women are different, but I can watch the film together with Xiaoyuan. It's different. We just play together, not the relationship between each other."

For the first time, the night court felt that the double doctor was not enough, and his dialectical ability was affected.

"Do you want me to make male friends?" asked at the beginning of the night.

When the night court is almost a bit, I will answer yes. I can reasonably shake him. He is not such an annoying man. He does not allow his girlfriend to make friends with different sexes.

Xiaoyuan is a very good friend.

He had a dependence on him at the beginning of the night, and he didn't care.

But why is he so upset?

The night court is nervous and annoying.

If at the beginning of the night, like Dad loves his big brother, will he still suffer from such a loss, mind the carelessness at the beginning of the night?

It won't be.

When he fell in love with the beginning of the night, she was so simple.

She is ignorant of the feelings of men and women, and the boundaries between friends and lovers are not very clear. But at the beginning of the night, she is a very measured person. The male students in her school want to ask for cheapness in front of her. It is an idiotic dream, she I have a set of rules of doing things that are different from the social people in his impressions. Her world is purely like a child.

A friend is a friend. I like something that I want to give to someone I like. If she gives Mu Yuan a big apple, that is her favorite.

She will not measure the value of Apple's secular, she will not know that in the eyes of others, this is a very strange thing, but Mu Yuan not only got her mind, but also cherished her gift, received a gift, and Expressed gratitude.

This is the world at the beginning of the night.

Simple, and passionate.

But she is measured, he is so mindful, but because... he is not sure whether he loves him at the beginning of the night.

In the heart of the early night, is it also like Mu Yuan, is a reliable, reliable friend?

"Little apple, you... If one day, you meet someone who makes you more happy and more secure, will you leave me?" The night court finally asked, the biggest anxiety in his heart.

"No." At the beginning of the night, I pulled my fingers. "You give me food, wear it for me, give me tuition, buy me beautiful clothes, and give me support. Why should I leave you, leave you, I No money, how to live?"

Night court, "..."

His heart was smashed out of the blood at the beginning of the night.

Therefore, he was not as good as Mu Yuan at the beginning of the night, just an ATM?

"If one day, I won't give you food, don't wear it for you, don't buy beautiful clothes for you?"

I was angry at the beginning of the night. "Why don't you buy it for me, which one do you want to give?"

This is her new learning words, it is particularly easy to use, screaming at the night court, and kicked him. "I know, you want to buy Ning Qingyao, then go."

Night court, "..."

What does this have to do with Ning Qingyao?

"Do you want to find your first love lover back?"

"My first love is you."

"Nonsense, not at all!" At the beginning of the night, he lost his temper. "It is Ning Qingyao. You have to give her food, wear it for her, and let her sleep in your room."

Mu Yuan mentioned once Ning Qingyao, and remembered it at the beginning of the night.

"You are unreasonable!" The night court sighed.

This was the first time when I faced the beginning of the night, I was angry. It was a very simple thing to say clearly. I didn’t expect it to be self-defeating, but it was a quarrel.

At the beginning of the night, her eyes were round, as if she had been hit hard. She didn’t listen to the harsh voice of the overnight court. "You really think that I am young, not sensible, not mature enough, not beautiful enough, and not good enough, so you Don't sleep with me, you don't want to be my boyfriend at all, then don't be fooled, I don't force you."

At the beginning of the night, I ran away, ran to the door, and turned back to the night court with a sigh of relief. "Look for your Ning Qingyao! Hey, hey!"

The night court smashed my eyebrows, what are these things, and so on.

He felt that he was not mature enough at the beginning of the night, he was not sensible, not beautiful enough, and his body was not good enough, so he would not sleep with her.

Who instilled her thoughts?

He is more jealous than Dou.

(End of this chapter)

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