Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2285: Brothers have to fight for pets.

Chapter 2285, brothers have to fight for pets.

At the beginning of the night, I was beaten by the night court for half a night. I didn’t sleep well, and I was seriously deprived of sleep. In my heart, I silently added a suffix to the younger brother, the beast! Dressed animals.

She looked at the same dissatisfied Mu Yuan with a look of frustration. Meng Qi was born with a frustrated face, a dead white face, and a hazy eyes. At first glance, it was a boy who would not bring you good luck.

Wei Lin and Xiao Ju bite their ears. "Is it like three zombies?"

Xiaoju stepped on him, and Weiling was angry. "Isn't it?"

"It's quite like." Xiaoju said, he gave him a blank look. "You are too vomiting, and you will hate you at the beginning of the night."

"Oh, it's not like your bragging."

"Don't envy." Xiaoju is not at all vain. In the past, Wei Lin was one level higher than her. If the night court is the emperor, Wei Lin is the eunuch's general manager, the closest one to the emperor, Xiao Ju It is a first-class palace girl.

Nowadays, the emperor and his wife, with the empress of the queen, looked at the posture of a wife and slave, she jumped into a close-knit woman of the empress, and her identity was almost the same as that of Wei Lin.

I turned over.

A cool batch!

The whole table was very strange, and only the second brother was like a lame expression.

Very resentful at the beginning of the night.

Mu Yuan’s birthday consumed him too much energy. He remembered many things at night and didn’t sleep well. Today, Columbia’s class is his last class at Columbia. The professor has returned, and his substitute class is over. After the end of He Chunwang’s affairs, the matter here will come to an end and he will be able to return to China.

"Meng Qi, what about you?"

Meng Qi heard that Mu Yuan was asking him, put down the knife and fork, and the children raised by Luther's housekeeper, the etiquette was impeccable, even if the head was broken, the hair style could not be chaotic, let alone the table manners.

"I have a little personal thing to deal with here."

Mu Yuan was shocked. "In addition to your brother's business, do you have a personal matter to deal with?"

Meng Qi, "You just fell in love, I forgive you for not saying anything."

Mu Yuan, "..."

rub! !

Why do the whole world know that he is falling out of love?

"I can't afford it!" Mu Yuan silently shut up. After all, it was the younger brother of the Night Mausoleum, and his mouth was followed by the same vein. He would not find it.

The night court is a gentleman's style, and I don't mind having a cheaper brother. "Need help?"

Meng Qi is very cold, "No!"

At the beginning of the night, he was not familiar with him, and he did not talk. He thought secretly. This looked like a fierce teenager. It seemed that it was not easy to get along. She felt that she liked a little farther.

Xiaoyuan is cute and funny, and cares for women, proper little sisters.

The more Mengqi is the colder, the more he makes Mu Yuan curious, after all, Meng Qi has always been obedient. For him, except for the night mausoleum, there is no private matter. In the past, private affairs, everyone defaulted. Oh, it’s a night glory.

"Speaking, you are also very miserable." Mu Yuan was defamed, but also to go back. "You are a twenty-four filial brother, but unfortunately, some of your brothers are so brother-controlled, the night tomb is not a brother. control."

Night court, "..."

Meng Qi, "..."

The two looked at each other with disappointment. It was very uncomfortable to say that when they were in the evening, they felt that his brother had a better understanding of him than Mu Yuan. In his heart, he would like to talk about his brother’s important words, and he might rank first, and Mu Yuan ranked second. He didn't know if he could fight the third with Meng Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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