Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2295: Mutual understanding

Chapter 2295 tacit understanding of each other

Shan Ning looked at him, his look was very gentle. "I wanted to come over and give you a birthday, but I have to delay for a few days. I will invite you to dinner at night and make up a birthday."

"No, I still have a lot of things to do." Mu Yuan quickly flipped the information and frowned slightly. The agents' daily action routes were clear at a glance, and the past tasks were clear. Three of them were deep latent agents. I have never received a task, and one person is still working in anti-terrorism, but only a data archiver.

Mu Yuan put aside the information of three deep latent agents and picked out two people who Shan Ning felt suspicious. Before everything is clear, Mu Yuan will not doubt anyone, and these people are suspect.

"Do you think they are the most suspicious?"

Shan Ning nodded, "Yes!"

He took out the information of one of them and said faintly, "You see, this person has been lurking for five years, and has accepted three tasks in total. They have done a good job. They have been applying for returning to China since last year. Because his position is special, we are looking for it for a while. I refused to replace it. I applied for a return home earlier this year. I also dismissed it. Later, he never applied for it. His son got leukemia and died. The treatment costs are reimbursed, but the condition is too Seriously unable to save, he may want to come back to see one side, not to rule out that he wants revenge."

Mu Yuan shook his head gently and looked at another person. Shan Ning said, "This person has done a poor job in both missions, the score is the lowest, and the position is the most convenient, and the message is advantageous."

"There is no actual basis for these, and it cannot be judged." Mu Yuan vetoed the suspicion of Shan Ning. It is very difficult to find a latent agent without separately asking people to talk.

Mu Yuan said, "Let's arrange them to go to the temporary safe house to accept the polygraph test."

Shan Ning is a bit disapproving. "What name do we use to arrange for them to accept polygraphs? If there is a traitor, everyone will go to the lie detector and will be wiped out."

"What do you mean?"

It’s like a sigh of silence, it seems to be a word, and Mu Yuan said, “Let’s talk.”

"I mean, ask Lieutenant Colonel Anderson for help. If there is his cooperation, we may be able to take out the traitors. Just cooperate with Lieutenant Colonel Anderson and let him send out the news."

Mu Yuan’s face sank at once, and the clear eyes showed a bit of anger, but he pressed back. His fingers twitched slightly and almost wrinkled the corner of the data.

"Shen Ning, how do you think of this approach?"

Shan Ning chuckled and said, "He has a good relationship with you. You have helped him. He also wants to return this person with his feelings. The last time your ship saved them a dozen lives, let him cooperate with the message. It’s a very simple thing."

"People's feelings..." Mu Yuan looked at Shan Ning with a faint look. "You killed his cousin, why do you still think he will talk to me about people, how big is that face?"

Shan Ning smiled stiffly, and did not expect that Mu Yuan would point it out sharply.

Since the occurrence of Lehman Anderson, Shan Ning has been desperately trying to mend his relationship with Mu Yuan, but no matter how he mend it, it seems that it doesn’t help, Mu Yuan and he gradually drift away, and he usually has something to worry about. Poke him, now he does not take the initiative to find Mu Yuan, Mu Yuan is impossible to take the initiative to find him.

The two also tacitly avoided the topic of Lehman Anderson.

(End of this chapter)

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