Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2297: No reason to hate

Chapter 2297 has no reason to hate

Shan Ning's face was very sullen, but he did not dare to be too explicit. He turned his head and did not answer. In Mu Yuan's impression, he has never been an introvert.

Can Shan Ning be in front of him, often silent.

Many minds, he must guess.

I guessed it, guessed it wrong, he didn't know it.

"You don't lie, you can do it seamlessly, Jack can also find out." Mu Yuan said, "He didn't care about Lehman's things, but he guided me through the things I found. Looking for the truth."

This is the most abused!

"You would rather believe in an enemy lieutenant colonel than to believe in your friends from childhood."

"I believe in the truth." Mu Yuan said, "You hate him, and he wants to help, how can you have such a contradictory person."

"Xiaoyuan, he is an enemy officer, I hate him, is not taken for granted?"

"There is no reason to hate." Mu Yuan said, "There must be a reason."

"There is no reason, I just hate him."

"You hate him again, Lehman is also innocent. In order to cover up what you have done, you killed an innocent person, and you are not interested in pursuing it. You... you are... iron heart. Ray Man Anderson’s life is in your eyes, is nothing?”

"Then, I will blame me. If there are bullets in his gun, really want to kill me? Now the ending is fixed, he did not kill me, I killed him, if I react slowly, In the circumstances, who can guarantee that Lehman will not kill me?" The voice of Shan Ning has also improved. "You can't deny everything because I killed him."

Mu Yuan thought that he and Shan Ning disputed this topic and never had a good ending. He had his own position and Shan Ning also had his own position.

"Of, there are often non-wet shoes on the riverside. Your business, you want to understand, I can't manage it, just advise you, don't be so radical in the future, otherwise it will cause endless troubles."

Shan Ning leaned slightly against the back of the chair, and the heart was very uncomfortable. The more uncomfortable, the more unsettled, "Xiaoyuan, are you too concerned about Jack Anderson?"

Mu far silenced and learned the attitude of Shan Ning.

Shan Ning sneered, self-deprecating. "I don't know if you have anything special to do with him."

"I talked to him about five years of love, is it a special relationship?"

Shan Ning, "..."

Such a sudden sentence made Shan Ning pale and his lips began to tremble. When he spoke a special relationship, there was a kind of revenge in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yuan will admit it.

Mu Yuan... confess?

"You..." Shan Ning angina, I can't wait for the time to go back. He swallowed his own words. I don't want to hear Mu Yuan's approval. If he didn't hear it, he didn't know it.

"I thought... you may have guessed a point or two, so you will have the courage to propose, let me go to the cooperation between Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, as long as the logic is normal, it is impossible to say such words." Mu Yuan's tone is particularly ridiculous .

"You..." Shan Ning is incoherent. "How can you tangled with him..."

"I can't help myself." Mu Yuan broke the can and broke, and saved his heart to be disgusting. "Oh, I pursued him, no wonder he, he said it was quite pitiful, and I was pulled into the endless abyss."

(End of this chapter)

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