Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2299: Little fairy and child painting together

Chapter 2299 Little Fairy and Child Painting Fighting Street

After Mu Yuan summed up the news, he discussed with the night mausoleum. Since there is no result, it can only be withdrawn in batches, and then the information is disturbed to see who has exposed the horse. This will take a little time.

Shen Qianshu knew that the night tomb was annoying recently. I heard that the lie detectors were all passed. Shen Qianshu was a little curious about their lie detectors and could not help but eagerly try.

Night Mausoleum, "boring."

"I watch foreign movies, can someone escape the lie detector?"

"It's hard."

The night tomb simply said some principles, some powerful people can indeed control, but most people can not escape the lie detector. After Shen Qianshu was eager to try, the children's paintings were also a bit eager to try. The little fairy grinded the night to spoil for two hours. Finally, they could play with the children's paintings, and the two of them all smashed the street.

Child painting, "boring! Not fun."

Shen Qianshu, "boring! Not fun."

Night Mausoleum, "Oh."

Then who is going to rush to try.

Shen Qianshu and Mu Yuan spit out this matter, Mu Yuan said, "Ha ha ha, I used to rush all the streets, and later I went to West Point to train..."

Mu Yuan's face was condensed, West Point did not teach the students how to avoid lie detection, but there is a simulation scene course at West Point, which has a polygraph training.

When the whole team rushed to the streets, no one passed the lie test.

Mu Yuan repeatedly practiced and found the law. He spent more than half a year. Until he graduated, he was alone. Mu Yuan hurriedly picked up the stack of materials. "Thousand trees, I have something to deal with, wait for one. Wait……"

He hung up the phone and began to organize the materials.

He looked through the material from beginning to end, and then discovered that a deep latent agent had West Point training experience, and in the military school for more than two years, Mu Yuan never suspected that several deep latent agents in order to give them Arranging work and entering the enemy's system, they spend a lot of manpower and material resources.

In the beginning, they ruled out the possibility that they would betray.

Mu Yuan looked at the person's information.

The agent is named Peng Zhixian. He is twenty-nine years old this year. He is innocent, has a widowed mother, is still married, has no children, and has never returned to China. He has never applied for family visits. His widowed mother leads 8k every month. The compensation for her life is worry-free. The neighborhood committee where she lives includes her food, clothing, housing and transportation. She also travels to her group every year to travel. She is only 50 years old this year, she lives quite well, even in hospital, there is no complexity. Interpersonal relationship.

Mu Yuan asked the night mausoleum to check it out from the country. He first checked Pengmu. He checked it from abroad and checked whether Peng Zhixian’s life track in recent years has traces of change. Peng Zhixian is now an anti-terrorist as an archivist. He is responsible for classifying some cases. It is really a problem for people in their system. It is really not easy to send such a person. If he really has problems, it is a little difficult to send another person.

After waiting for Mu Yuan to find out this matter, there was a very bad news in the country. The information that Mu Yuan had hard to get was almost leaked out. Fortunately, he seized the person and once he was asked. He Chunwang has a thousand relationships, He Chunwang’s hand has already reached the country, and the order of the night tomb has arrived.

Killed He Chunwang.

As Meng Qi gave him the same command.

Mu Yuan’s heart sank at once, like a stone in his heart, he and He Chunwang finally reached the point where the poor figure saw it, so he insisted on this information, at any cost.

What? Oh, Ling Chen, oh, double the monthly ticket to ask for a monthly ticket! !

(End of this chapter)

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