Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2314: The most unlucky magical girl

Chapter 2314, the most unlucky magical girl

Jack originally looked at He Chunwang. As a result, Mu Yuan suddenly seized the axe of more than 100 kilograms. He watched Mu Yuan and his axe slammed into the glass showcase next to it.

Jack, "..."

This picture, extremely strong, a Sven, a young man with gold-rimmed glasses, stunned like a tiger, a huge axe coming to his chest, and suddenly cut the glass showcase.

All the glass showcases are anti-theft. When the glass is broken, the alarm bell will ring. The alarm system of the whole exhibition is screaming, and the night of the night is watching.

Xiaoyuan, you are amazing!

"What happened? Is someone grabbing something?"

"Who, don't die, so many people today?"


Mu Yuan easily and easily put the axe aside, but the metal is not bad, and he looks at He Chunwang gently. "The young master, what about this?"

He took off his youthful spirits, and gave him a fierceness in the years. He also gave him gentleness and stability. It was so easy and easy, and he mastered the temperament of the audience to make He Chunwang feel a toothache.

Even so, Mu Yuan still has a lonely time in his youth. He is not afraid of breaking the glass booth and will attract security. He is not afraid of being pointed at the gun. He will go straight forward.

The entire stadium was full of alarms, and the securityians poured in like water. All of them rushed toward Mu, and screams and footsteps rang. Mu Yuan saw that He Chunwang’s smile faded away. Looks cloudy.

A tall man came over, "king, it's time to withdraw."

That is Belen.

Mu Yuan recognized that suddenly a gunshot was remembered. The big chandelier on the top of the head was knocked down. The crystal lamp slammed down vertically, just next to Mu Yuan. Mu Yuan’s hands were wrapped around the night, and he was back in his arms, crystal. The lights shattered, and they fell to the ground. They were all fragments, and several pieces were on the back of Mu Yuan.

This time, the movement was even bigger, and the lights were all dark. The security guards who had rushed toward Muyuan had chaotic directions. When Mu Yuan turned around, He Chunwang had disappeared.

The surrounding moments are dark, and there are people flying around.

Meng Qi's point of view is very sturdy, and he can keep the biggest exit in the stadium, because Lu Xiaojiu has installed a monitoring eye to see the situation inside the venue.

"What is this... what is it?"

"My XXXXXXXX! Laozi was locked in the safe XXXXX..." Xiao Qiao came from countless screams. When the excitement was that the languages ​​of all countries came out, I didn't know what I was swearing, and I quickly lost the signal.

"Little Joe? Xiao Qiao..." Xiao Qiao is very unlucky. The safe is sealed. She tried hard to unlock it. She finally got into the safe, she was about to change the painting, and the thief didn't want to go down a diamond. As a result, Mu Yuan broke the glass showcase.

The exhibition hall used two sets of anti-theft systems. The items were stored in one set. The exhibition hall used one set. The two sets of systems were connected. As long as one set of alarms was set, another set of automatic programs was opened and automatically blocked. Xiao Qiao It was blocked in the insurance house, and within ten minutes, the air in the safe was exhausted.

She will live in a living house that has been killed.

Lu Xiaojiu’s pistol was smashed into the waist and put on the coat of the agent. “You are in charge of the perimeter, I am going to save Xiao Qiao.”

"Oh..." Meng Qi noblely thought about it, letting you greedy, deserving it, being retribution!


I have already added a monthly pass, I wish you all a happy National Day. People must pay attention to safety when they travel more. Play well, and all the little fairies are happy, sprinkle flowers and flowers...

(End of this chapter)

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