Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2326: Jealous is endless

Chapter 2326 is jealous and endless.

Based on his origins, the ability and the above protection, do the same, and develop guidelines in the future, so that Cai Zhou and others will be born and died. But he does not want to use it. He wants to use his own military skills. If there is something happening in the future, he can also have the power to talk. He can also prove that he has never lived up to the cultivation of the motherland.

He is paying more and more, and it is harder than ordinary people.

When the night is quiet, I only think that I can live together in the future, and my heart is sweet.

He even planned. Before he was forty years old, he must become a general, and then start to train the next generation, leave the core position, let the next generation come to pick up, he can do civilian duties, do tactical research, and even go abroad to communicate. Professor, before Platinum, talked about Plato's love. After forty years old, he will be with him for a long time.

Even if you can't meet every day, it will be much stronger than when you were young.

He never said it, but he felt that he was expecting it. He was afraid that he could not do it. He did not dare to promise it easily. He was afraid that Mu’s family would change in the future. He could not get away from it and never dared to promise to export it in the far future.

"I...have lied to you!" Jack whispered, dark blue eyes hidden in the darkness, some awkward pain, Mu Yuan looked at him, "What do you lied to me?"

Suddenly, there was a trace of smoke in the air. Jack suddenly jumped through Mu Yuan, both of them slammed on the ground. A bullet hit the position of Jack just standing. The two looked at each other and quickly climbed up and pulled out the waist. Pistol, quickly captain.

The two people have a tacit understanding for many years, they don't need to make a sound, they are attached to the body. They are opposite to the river. The bullets came from behind, and the car just became the best obstacle.

In the dead of night, suddenly a row of bullets swept over, the body was hit with several bullet holes, the glass of the sports car was broken, and the ground was scattered. Jack suddenly asked, "How many cars have you lost in the night court today?"

"You pay?"

Jack can't help but, "Okay, I will pay."

You are in trouble, and when I come to the good, what is important.

Mu Yuan snorted, the two were in a gunshot, they could talk, but suddenly Mu Yuan’s face changed. A killer was suppressed by fire in the distance, forcing them to get up, and several of them slowly approached. I am going to wait to kill them.

Jack and Mu Yuan glanced at each other. One person rolled a few laps to the front of the car. He kneeled on the ground, lowered his body, shot at the back, and rolled one in the direction of the rear of the car. He also kneeled on the ground. Suddenly opened several shots, Jack dropped a person, and the bullets madly pushed toward Jack, including fire suppression.

The killers were as blind as they saw Mu Yuan’s position. The bullets only hit him and didn’t touch him. Mu Yuan frowned slightly, suddenly climbed up, opened the door, started the car, and pushed it away. The front passenger's door, "Get on the bus!"

There are many people on the opposite side, and Jack is a little embarrassed by the fire.

He quickly got on the bus, Mu Yuan went forward along the road ahead, the bullets chased behind them, and soon there was no sound. Mu Yuan looked at the situation from the rearview mirror and frowned slightly.

"He Chunwang is more and more arrogant." Dare to dare to find someone to assassinate Jack, Jack can cope this time, not called a brother, he is in the territory of the country, how could it be opponents?

"It's soft to you." Jack was somewhat sour.

Mu Yuan, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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