Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2328: I will also sell miserable.

Chapter 2328, I will also sell miserable

Every effort was made to choose a place. As a result, He Chunwang’s people chased them and assassinated them... Oh, no, it was assassinating him. He Chunwang was very good at Mu Yuan and could not bear to move his hair.

The source is still Mu Yuan, so who is this strange?

Now blame him for dirtying the car in the night court?

This temper...

"I have to pay for the car repair, it should be enough."

Mu Yuan’s abdomen was not pressed down. “Oh, are you blaming me for your money? Sorry, I have spent all of it, and it’s embarrassing to lose your family.”

This sound is embarrassing, and there is no sincerity.

"That won't be." For $200,000, Jack couldn't help it. "I am really very tricky, so it creates a illusion that I am very poor?"

"What makes you very poor illusion, you are very poor." Mu Yuanzhen, "have you sent me the same decent thing?"

"Give your gifts, I do it by hand." And it is very thoughtful, to know that there are some gifts, he made it by hand and sold it in the store, no difference, even better.

"Oh, handmade gifts, I have confiscated handmade gifts after I graduated from elementary school. I wrote a greeting card for Christmas. Pupils don't do it now."

Still nice to say handmade gifts!

Jack raised his eyebrows. "Xiaoyuan, you sent me a painting at the age of twenty-two. The oil painting is my own painting..."

The photo frame is an antique photo frame of their ancestors. The jewel on it is a fifty-carat yellow diamond, not a crystal.

Mu Yuan picked it up with a squint, and Jack took a deep breath and swallowed the words. "Yes, I am very poor. I was wronged during the love period."

Mu Yuan felt that his heart was a little bit more happy. He didn't care about the value of the gift. What Jack gave him, he kept it perfectly, piled it up, and he always took care of it, compared to some of his own. The gift, he gave the gift at least every time, he was very worried. He wanted to give him a gift by himself. It was always delayed because of all kinds of problems.

Jack heartaches his photo frame.

The photo frame was placed in his house for a long time. It was his uncle, John, who was the favorite. He planned to wait for him to become the president. After painting the portrait, he used a photo frame and hung it in the living room. It looked very powerful. It is a very classical photo frame with gems on it. For years, it has been placed all the time, and it won't break the locusts.

Mu Yuan’s mind is painting, never paying attention to the photo frame.

Mu Yuan does not feel that he is wronged, just a slap in the face.

Jack humbly admits his mistakes and does not refute it. Instead, he seems to be unreasonable. Mu’s vision is that he is silent again and is guilty. “Send you to the hospital?”

"No, it hurts, it hurts, it doesn't hurt. Go back and I will handle some of it myself. Send me home... forget it, go to the small apartment." Today the mission failed, he has not yet written a summary, slow down Let's go.

Little Taylor should be at home, he will not go to join in the fun.

When Mu Yuanyi mentioned the small apartment and stepped on the gas door, it was loose. This small apartment was a place where they often mixed up. As long as they were all in New York, it was a good place for the Golden House.

He was sullen and didn't talk, and Jack seemed to feel wrong. "Would you like... or go to the hospital?"

"Where are you going?" Mu far angered!

Jack, "..."

After the ex-boyfriend broke up, the temper was not very good.


Mu Yuan finally sent Jack back to the small apartment. He was a little absent-minded. The flowers in the early spring had already been opened. Jack’s small apartment was in a relatively quiet suburban town, 40 minutes away from the city center. The traffic was actually quite Convenient, and a small town where taxpayers are wealthy, every household has a small garden.

Some unknown vines are entwined on the fence, full of bright red flowers.

very beautiful.

Mu Yuan parked the car under the tree, and the branches grew new sprouts. Everything was fresh and full of vitality. He had irritatedly started expelling Jack. "It is here."

Jack snorted and slowly untied the seat belt. He got out of the car. Mu Yuan went back and went. Jack slammed his arm and suddenly snorted. Mu Yuan looked back at him coldly. "What happened to you?" ?"

Blood ran out of his fingers, and Jack opened his hand, all his hands were blood, and Mu Yuan’s eyes were round, so serious? Is the bullet not biased?

Before Jack went to the hospital, when he was entangled with him, blood flowed to the ground. At this moment, he tossed another night. Is there some blood loss? If he left, how can he do it if he loses too much blood?

Jack looked at Mu Yuan with a smile, and his footsteps seemed to sway, but he held it firmly. "My injury doesn't get in the way, let's go first."

Mu Yuan, "..."

I said that you have meat, do you believe? ? ? ? Although it is five, it is the amount of six more! !

(End of this chapter)

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