Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2349: You're so cute

Chapter 2349, you are so cute.

He was a child prodigy since he was a child. He completed his studies at the age of sixteen, and he has his own unique experience in scientific research, but he also has the common problems of genius and youth. He is lonely, autistic, sensitive, and his IQ is above all beings. However, he is incompatible with the general public. He is a unique and sensitive individual.

Before the age of sixteen, he was protected from carefree and devoted himself to scientific research. He was born into a drug lord family, and his family did not save money. His parents did not give him pressure to let him freely develop his own business. If the Sixth National Congress did not Being annihilated, He Jing did not die, He Chunwang said that he could create something, perhaps what kind of awards he could get, and hope to become a generation of inventors and scientists.

When the family suddenly changed, He Chunwang found a new road, which brought Mu Yuan’s damage to the earth and destroyed the land. He also lurked for years, from a solitude, sensitive, autistic but kind, genius with no hands. The boy became a murderous devil, and killed King, replaced King, took over all the forces of King, successfully transformed into King, suppressed the people who wanted to rebel, and conquered him. The people who use King to build all the resources are thoroughly utilized.

This person is simply the best male owner in the reincarnation.

After a few years of lurking, He Chunwang should not have a good life, and there is no one who has a heart, otherwise it will not be intensified. The degree of blackening can be written into a book.

Mu Yuan shook his head and forced himself not to think about He Chunwang's problem. Just wait for Jack's result.


At the beginning of the night, I saw Alice. Xiaoju also greeted Alice. Alice nodded. She hugged Alice at the beginning of the night. She was very affectionate and smelled the smell of her body. She was amazed at the beginning of the night. "It seems like, what perfume did my sister wipe?"

Alice smiled and took out a gift. "It's a set of products that we developed in the French branch. I brought you and Xiaoju with a set of whitening effects and sunscreen effects."

Xiaoju did not expect that she also had a gift. She was very happy. At the beginning of the night, she handed the gift to Xiaoju. "I have a restaurant, my sister, let's go eat."

"I also come to the miss building. I have to eat a few restaurants. My sister recently learned a few French dishes. Can you do it for you?" Alice smiled and asked.

At the beginning of the night, "Okay, let's go upstairs."

Xiaoju followed behind them, some uneasy, and had not taken Alice back to the top floor at the beginning of the night. She couldn’t make up her mind for a moment. After all, it was the reason that the Queen’s mother brought her sister to the palace and did not stop it. She gave the night court according to the rules. After a message was confirmed, Xiaoju had nothing to say and went upstairs together.

The supply of ingredients on the top floor of Miss is very fresh, everything is there. Xiaoju puts the gift from Ellie Ribbon to the side, and follows Alice at the beginning of the night, looking forward to her sister's craft.

Alice took out some fresh ingredients. She liked to eat spicy at the beginning of the night. "Sister, can you eat spicy? I want to eat spicy food. Can French food put chili?"

She recently became fascinated with Chinese food. She was specially looking for a Chinese dish chef and made a series of cuisines for her. She became fascinated with Chuanxiang cuisine at the beginning of the night and was most obsessed with hot pot.

"Yes." Alice smiled and squeezed on her face. "You are so cute."

"Is your sister busy recently?"

If you see it in the Ming Dynasty, you may randomly drop it at night and add more.

(End of this chapter)

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