Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2352: Who are you?

Chapter 2352 Who are you?

The girls worked hard to make a table, and Mu Yuan was too embarrassed to marry her. Alice greeted her at the beginning of the night, ignoring Mu Yuan, and also greeted Xiaoju to come and eat.

Mu Yuan glanced at Alice and picked up the knife and fork in one hand. At this time, the current in the whole building seemed to be unstable. It flashed a bit. Mu Yuan looked up and looked at the roof. The night floor was nearly four high. Meters, bright lights everywhere, and using a separate line, the number of power outages in a year is almost zero. If something is broken, repair, the announcement will come out a few days ago.

Fortunately, the current was only slightly unstable, there was no power outage, and Alice gave the dish at the beginning of the night, very gentle. "Try the sister's craft."

I ate a lobster at the beginning of the night and nodded again and again. "It's delicious, delicious, delicious."

Mu Yuan's knife and fork, poked to the lobster, suddenly turned around and turned his head, and quickly hated, directly poked to Alice's eyes.

His movements are lightning fast. Although the knife and fork are not sharply poked into the eyes of the people, they will be able to poke a hole and scare the early night, "Ah..."

Alice responded very quickly, one hand on the table, sitting on a chair, sliding along the force to the back, sliding a distance directly, avoiding Mu Yuan's knife and fork.

Was scared at the beginning of the night, a little embarrassed, Xiaoyuan and his sister did not agree, but did not have to move the knife to the point?

"Mu Yuan Major, what are you doing?" Alice's face was very ugly, her eyebrows were very heavy, giving a very cold feeling.

Mu Yuan's wrist flipped, the knife and fork turned a circle in his hand, and flew to Alice, straight to the heart, Alice got up from the chair, the knife was inserted in the European chair, because the force was too strong, the knife The tail of the fork also gave a vibrating sound.

"Mu Yuan Major..." Xiaoju is confused, is this hate for wives?

Mu Yuan glanced at Xiaoju and his eyes were cold. Because of the top floor of the Mis Building, Mu Yuan did not bring a gun. Xiaoju did not bring a firearm. The top floor was not allowed to bring weapons. If it was equipped with weapons, even a bullet could not pass the elevator. The defense scan inside, if not, his muzzle has been directed at Alice.

“Who are you?” Mu Yuan’s voice was cold, the camera on the ceiling had stopped rotating, and the monitoring room could not see the picture. They should use the rest of the picture to replace the monitoring picture on the top floor.

"Mu Yuan Major, are you crazy?" Alice did not panic. Instead, she was somewhat ridiculed. She looked at her sister in surprise at the beginning of the night and looked at Mu Yuan. She spontaneously leaned toward Mu Yuan and leaned on it. Xiaoju took care of her at the beginning of the night.

"Alice is just a commercial spy. She doesn't have more than a decade of special agent training. Your strength and speed of response have exposed your identity. Who are you? Alice?"

At the beginning of the night, I round my eyes. It looks incredible and has some fear. He grabs Mu Yuan’s arm. "Xiaoyuan, she is not her sister, who is she? Is my sister dangerous?"

Mu Yuan couldn't answer her. What happened to Alice? In fact, Mu Yuan didn't care at all. He glanced at the eyebrows he cares about at the beginning of the night. "Do not worry, there will be nothing."

If Alice had something, she would not come so unscrupulously.

The woman laughed. "Ha ha ha ha ha, it is worthy of Major Mu Yuan, so shrewd, even seeing through our plans, where did I reveal the flaws?"

(End of this chapter)

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