Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2357: a very sweet meat ticket

Chapter 2357 A very sweet meat ticket

Mu Yuan said, "You lost your loved ones, your pain is not understood, but... you lost your family, why should you pay for it? Have you killed the mastermind and got comfort?"

"Stop!" The female agent was stunned. If her eyes could kill, Mu Yuan had already been shot.

Mu Yuan knows that a person has undergone major changes, and his temperament will change greatly. If everyone accepts the unfairness of fate peacefully, there will be no bad people in this world.

"You are very fortunate. I have investigated you, I have a good birth, a happy family, and I have been able to go from a young age. Why can't you think that you have to be active in the field? You can be a general." The female agent said with self-deprecation. Look, this is the unfair fate. You have everything when you are born. We were born to be applauded in applause."

"You are extreme." Mu Yuan said calmly. "I will reincarnate. It is not my fault. It does not mean that I am not working hard. I also have seven emotions and desires. I also have gains and losses. I have also suffered from injustice, but I will not take myself. The unfortunate anger of others. You have to repay or revenge, it is your business, but it should not hurt others. The country has hurt your brothers, those who died because you have not hurt you."

The female agent sneered. "I have already embarked on a road that can't go back. I said that it is too late. Major, you don't bother to brainwash me. I used to be a female soldier."

Mu Yuan slightly moved his knees and simulated how much he could win a female agent when his hands and legs were locked, unless he could grow a Kirin arm or hit a person. Dead, otherwise the probability is zero.

Ok, he recognized it!

"Actually, you are pretty." Mu Yuan said, it seems to be a chat, if it is not tied with his hands and legs, he seems to come over and meet people.

Female agent, "..."

She glanced at Mu Yuan and thought that she was being teased?

"Really, pretty, more beautiful than Alice." Mu Yuan praised the beauty seriously. "The eyes are clearer than her, the nose is higher than her, the curvature is better than her, the mouth looks better than her, the skin is also Very good, you should not be an agent, you should go to Hollywood, the recent heroines do not have your momentum, you go to the Marvel movie, than the heroine has a head, do not have to substitute, how good, Maybe it’s a hit and it’s a red star.”

Female agent, "..."

The mouth is really sweet, and it’s so nice to hear that she almost wrote.

"Girls are small flowers in the greenhouse, they should be raised and raised. What kind of wind and rain, swords and knives, should be men to resist, girls should be dressed up every day, do what they like, appreciate themselves, be Others appreciate that there is no need to come to this line. This line is a man. It will be lifeless at any time. It is all about making money, living, and making money."

Mu Yuan’s praise for girls has always been a set, especially the beautiful and well-behaved girls, who have always liked them. “The days when the knife is bleeding, not your girls.”

Quite straight male cancer!

The female agent felt very interesting. "No wonder Mu Yuan is so fond of the girl, the mouth is so sweet."

"I sincerely praise you."

"I also praise you with sincerity." The female agent said, "You are so arrogant that I have boasted of the sky and I will not let you go."

(End of this chapter)

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