Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2364: You are dead.

Chapter 2364, you are dead.

"Even if Xiaoyuan is dead, he is also going to heaven. You are the one who goes to hell. You can't meet him." Jack retorted. Since the night to tell him that Mu Yuan was taken away, he has counted in his heart. Will not let He Chunwang break his fortress.

"Well, then the fish is dead, I don't lose." He Chunwang has an indifferent posture.

Jack was sitting in the **** car. This is the way to the prison. He must first take He Chunwang to the prison. The car quickly went out of the city and went to the prison. The two stopped talking. He Chunwang closed his eyes and was raising his spirit.

In Jack’s earphones, Rose’s voice came. “Sir, I found Alice. She was slightly injured and was not in danger.”


Lehman’s voice also came. “The people in the night court have already searched the building, and there is no trace of Major Mu Yuan. I suspect that it has already been sent away, not in the building, nor in the night. Any news came."


Jack's fingers trembled a little, and his heart was not as calm as his face. He even panicked, but he had to force himself to be calm and could not be led by He Chunwang.

The barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, this sentence is very quintessential, He Chunwang alone in the world without any concern, there is nothing to worry about, naturally it is to fight.

There is a camera in the **** car. The person in the monitoring room can clearly see the picture. After Jack turns off the sound, everyone can't hear the sound and face each other.

He Chunwang has been watching him. He laughed and got some sickness. Jack’s heart jumped wildly. He was so angry that he punched He Chunwang’s chin. He Chunwang could stand him a fist, his mouth bursting instantly, and he had blood. A bit horrible.

He wiped it off unintentionally. "Hearing that Colonel Anderson is not discolored, it turns out to be the case."

"I can't compare with you, I won't get destroyed, I can't get it, I would rather let him be free." Jack looked at him coldly. "You are sick and sick."

This is just a kind of obsession!

Not love.

"You also said that you love Xiaoyuan? You love him. It was originally exposed in the Golden Triangle. It hurts him to be chased and killed by a group of people into the forest of the minefield. You love him just to kill me. When he was in Egypt, he deliberately deceived him. The squad reinforcements us, and almost an international conflict has occurred. Everything you do is not to be a long-term life, or to ruin the reputation of Xiaoyuan. You simply don’t deserve to love him, and even... Xiaoyuan meets you. It’s like you stick it like a dog skin plaster. It’s because he’s been bad for eight generations. The most wrong thing he did was to undercover when he was young, and his heart was soft and he was put together, so he remembered it in his heart. He, after the end of the undercover, will not look at you more, what do you think you are? Is it worthy of him to remember for so many years?" Jack said that there is no feeling of love.

He is talking about Chinese, and the people in the monitoring room can't read what they are saying when they read the lip language.

He Chunwang’s smile, which has been hanging, slowly cracked and looked at him gloomyly. “You always knew what I did?”

"Of course I know!" Jack sneered. "Small far undercover has never gone wrong. I have been cautious and careful. Everything is done by myself. How can it be suddenly exposed? Some people will deliberately do it. You will blame me. I admitted it with pleasure. Because I don't want him to check, I don't want him to go up with you like this, I would rather cook you. In my plan, I have cooked you, I don't need him to know, who knows that you have the ability to kill. King replaced it, and even climbed up with several of our members, and escaped my investigation. This time, you can’t fly, Xiaoyuan is caught by you. It doesn’t matter, I believe he can escape. As for You, you have to be miscalculated, you can't fly!"

He Chunwang has no expression, "So, Xiaoyuan is dead, it doesn't matter?"

Jack, "He won't die, I believe him, but you are, dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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