Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2366: I am pure and harmless.

Chapter 2366 I am pure and harmless

He Chunwang is a bit crazy, "Lt. Anderson, how?"

Jack was so annoyed that he had to smash the car, his eyes fell cold on him, and He Chunwang smiled. "You don't feel bad, I still feel bad, anyway, he is going to die."

"Baby!" Jack punched him in the face.


In the miss building, the informant said, "There are two less, captured, but the signal is very strange and has been moving, and... on the highway, it is currently moving at a speed of 90 per hour."

The night court was slightly surprised, "On the highway?"

"Yes, today told the road traffic jam." The information officer called out the traffic conditions of the previous section of the road. "The front nine cars are rear-end, the traffic police are dealing with traffic problems. Because the accident is serious, they will start traffic jams after three more kilometers."

The information officer read the traffic conditions of the road. The car accident was still very serious. The nine cars in the chain accident were the most. One of the cars exploded. At present, there are six deaths and 11 injuries. The ground has not been cleaned up yet. The fire and ambulances have started. After six kilometers, even the slow traffic can not be done, because it is three lanes, all occupied, and all the wounded must be sent away, the ground can have a lane to go out.

The night court looked at the long queue, and refused to go to the people who had sympathized with the car accident. "Mu Yuan really went out of the dog and immediately sent the nearest agent in the past, the license plate number was recorded, and the satellite tracked."


The night court looked at the big truck and smiled coldly. "First send three motorcycle teams in the past, install a bomb and contactor under the truck to avoid signal blocking."


The night court ordered a single order, and told the night tomb at the first time, with the news of Mu Yuan.

Jack and the night court did not expect such a coincidence when they made plans.

The information workers feel that this special day is helping Major Mu Yuan.

If there is no car accident, they will track all the way. When they have passed the toll booth, they will pretend to be road police. Now it is more convenient to traffic jam.

The night tomb said, "Be sure to avoid injuring the innocent people, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

"I know, brother." The night court felt that it was necessary for him to run for himself. "I will go personally, don't worry."


On the road, the whistling siren passed by the emergency lane. The female agent stood up and frowned slightly. She was quite vigilant because she was with Major Mu Yuan. Suddenly she heard the sound of the siren and was inevitably nervous.

In the carriage, Mu Yuan looked at the axe silently. The female agent turned to look at him. Gradually, the car stopped, and she asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

The agent in the passenger seat said, "There seems to be a very big car accident in front. The scene is in chaos. Now the car has been blocked for ten kilometers, and all stopped and waited for rescue."

The rescue of the US is quite powerful. In addition to the rescue on the ground and the rescue in the air, the female agent gradually feels that the car has stopped and can no longer move.

"Let an aircraft look to the front to see the real thing."

Blocked ten kilometers, who knows what happened in front.


The female agent looked back at Mu Yuan. "Mu Yuan Major, your people will be so ruthless, tracking your signal, deliberately creating a terrible car accident, allowing the vehicle to stop at high speed, that is No big car accident."

Mu Yuan shook his head. "The night court will not do this. The night mausoleum will not do this. You are too high to see me."

The female agent sneered, but did not answer.

Mu Yuan asked, "He Chunwang wants me an arm, thank you for knowing the time."

"Hahahaha..." The female agent laughed. It was a coincidence that the female agent had just heard the whistling sirens as soon as they lifted the axe, as if they were overwhelmingly surrounded, and the female agent paused.

Mu Yuan said, "You see, you can't run at all. Except you, there are four people in front. I am alone. I will pull five of you back. I don't lose money. When I die, no one has any weakness. He Chunwang will die sooner or later. Everyone in your team will give up his life. I have calculated that at least fifty people will be buried with me. I have pulled a terrorist group into the water alone. I am a great hero."

Female agent, "..."

Although Mu Yuan’s words were swearing, but he spoke on the idea, Mu Yuan saw her hesitating and began to brainwash again. “I am alive, I can also give you an order. The mercenary wants money, but I don’t want to lose my life. You Why bother? He Chunwang is a street rushing. What can you do with him? Oh, you can’t do anything, it’s a bad luck, a bad person, a person who will fail sooner or later.”

Female agent, "..."

Mu Yuan has dealt with mercenaries. It has been five years old. He has been dealing with mercenaries since he was 18 years old. Many things are inconvenient to come out. His team is not in the face, it is very dirty and very tired. The work of offending people is handed over to the mercenaries. Mu Yuan will find a trusted team and apply for funds directly to let them complete the task.

This group of people are fighting, they want money.

One of the mercenaries was a veteran veteran. He was a special commander of the Southwest Military Region. He was originally an assaulter. After an injury, he could only retired if he injured one eye.

After retiring from the army, there was nothing in the old home. Although he was transferred to the armed police brigade, he could not adapt to the calm life. He chose to resign as a mercenary. One more money came to stimulate, but they were very reluctant, unless they were The family is very poor and urgently needs money, otherwise they will not know that the road to death is still going all the way to black.

"What should I do? The boss wants you an arm."

"You are also very special, an arm only, give him away, p map will be? Our country's first cosmetic surgery, you will not, I teach you." Mu Yuan is like a big pyramid scheme, Hanging with a bad smile, it is necessary to pull another MLM into the group.

Female agent, "..."

I have to say that this brainwashing is a success, and the female agent has also considered it. He Chunwang only wants an arm, not a life. No matter who wins in the end, Mu Yuan is safe, and there is no harm to her unless he is forced to die. He used Mu Yuan to exchange. Otherwise, He Chunwang saw that he lacked an arm. Although he was ordered, he might still be angry. It was a moody person, especially in the past six months, his temper was more unstable.

Therefore, she made a fake.

Who knows, this siren is only because of a car accident ahead.

"I think... I was put together by you."

Mu Yuan smiled politely. "I am simple, harmless. People who have contacted know that you want more."

This is two in one, ha, what are the little fairies! !

(End of this chapter)

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