Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2368: One infidelity, one hundred times

Chapter 2368 is one infidelity, one hundred times is not allowed

The **** car was driving on the road and slowly drove to the prison. Jack deliberately spared the road. Without the camera, He Chunwang could no longer convey the message to the female agents.

He Chunwang smiled, his fist against the corner of his lips and coughed twice. "Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, you killed Xiaoyuan. I have already explained it. If the surveillance screen is closed, it means that I am fierce and killing. Mu Yuan, even if you take me to the law, what you see will only be the body of Xiaoyuan."

Jack didn't make a fight with him. The car suddenly stopped and stopped on a limited road. He Chunwang looked at the time and showed a smug smile. "Do you think I have no second hand preparation?" You are too naive."

"Is it?" Jack was quiet and not in a hurry. He waited for nearly two minutes, but there was no gunshots. He was calm and calm, and He Chunwang gradually changed his face.

He had already planned it. If it happened, Jack ignored Mu Yuan’s life and death. His people would be jailed on the way to prison. Belem would arrange it clearly and even kill Jack.

How can there be no sound at all?

"Your confidant Belém, have you used your hands for a few years?" Jack asked suddenly.

"You..." He Chunwang's face changed greatly. Belen was indeed his confidant. At the beginning, King was attracted by the conditions he had opened. So many things in the past few years, he gave it to Belen to deal with it. He also gave Belen a rich condition. Belém handled many things for him in the past few years, and even overthrew King. Belem made great contributions.

Without Belen, he couldn't kill King and replace it.

He Chunwang was finally forced into desperation. "He is your undercover?"

"No!" Jack Anderson shook his head. "He used to be my student. It was not my undercover. I personally assessed him, knowing what his weakness is and knowing what to overcome him. A year ago, I started to contact. He, he is loyal to you, has never promised to help me, until you have planned the Li Ze incident, Li Ze incident he must have persuaded you, but you are bent on it, although Belen is not a qualified, I need Warrior, but he is a soldier. He was very good at dealing with Mu Yuan and other people during the training camp. In the case of Li Ze’s death, he had the trainees when he was training. So, he agreed with my conditions."

He Chunwang, "..."

Belen did indeed persuade him not to make such a big casualty, but he did not listen at all, and finally Belen also obeyed and said nothing more.

Jack sneered. "Moreover, you can give him money. Why can't I? Who is He Chunwang? At best, it is a funeral dog. What can you do? My Anderson family can give him a new identity, accept his family immigration, give him Living in a legal identity in California. Oh, by the way, his girlfriend is pregnant, he is going to be a father, do you think he is willing to settle down to accompany his children, or follow you as a desperate?"

"Anderson!" He Chunwang sighed in his heart, almost gas-exploded, and countless, not counting Belem will betray.

Jack looked at him more ruthlessly. "You are no one to use, you will use Belen, a soldier who has been personally delisted, betrayed the old master, and rely on you to do a lot of money, you dare to regard him as Use it for your confidant, you ah... smart to be smart, but to see people's eyes are far away, once infidelity, a hundred times can not be allowed, such a simple truth does not understand, you lose."

He Chunwang angrily wants to come and attack him, but the chain can hold his throat and let him move, He Chunwang growls, but there is no way for Jack.

"What about that, I am dead, how is it, Xiaoyuan will also be buried with me!"

Jack does not change his color, and the fear in his heart never shows people. "He Chunwang, I am not the same as your bad vision. I believe Xiaoyuan, with his slick tongue, can give the night court time to save him, he will not die. I think people who are so easy to die."

(End of this chapter)

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