Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2408: Wesley’s emotional life

Chapter 2408 Wesley's emotional life

Old Rayleigh and John did not meet anyone. Old Rayleigh looked at the bronze arrow and the arrow was heavy. "The killer weapon was shot and the bones were able to penetrate."

“Yes!” Amanda said. “There is always someone hunting and hurting people in this forest. It’s strange.”

The dark guard came over in a short while. "There was a car left. It was a white man carrying a large animal and looking like he was hunting."

Wesley frowned, "Large animals? Notify the Environmental Protection Agency and the Transportation Bureau to arrest him and illegally hunt and protect animals. The charges are not light."

"it is good!"

John is incredible. "You turned out to be an environmental loyalist."

Wesley, "Well."

John is even more incredible. "You didn't hear me ridiculing you?"


John, "Well, I don't have to be euphemistic next time."

Wesley began to set up a match on the shelf and lit the flames. The fire burned in a while, and the two brothers of Anderson’s family began to deal with the animals.

Such family gatherings are very precious to them. Their parents are very busy when they are young, and they spend very little time with each other. When their children grow up, their two sons become very busy and have very little time at home. Family gatherings are too precious.

Lilia couldn't help but talk to Wesley. "Wesley, do you have a favorite girl? If you want to take a look, you want to hold her little hand."


Lilia is working hard again. "I want to protect her and chat with her?"


Lilia still didn't give up, "So... the first thing is not annoying?"


Lilia was defeated.

Old Rayleigh asked, "What about boys?"

John grabbed a wooden stick and hit his brother! ! ! Which pot does not open which pot. He looked at Wesley with trepidation, fearing that he would come to me and make a boyfriend.

Wesley said, "No."

The whole family was relieved, and Wesley frowned. "What are you thinking about?"

Everyone shook their heads and wanted to cover them. "No."

Amanda, "Let's care about your emotional life."

Wesley's shabu-shabu, "My brother still has no emotional life, care about him."

Jack, "..."

"He broke up, he was still jealous, and he cares that he has no value."

Wesley raised an eyebrow, "Being shackled?"


Wesley expressed understanding that after all, being so busy, dating can't be accompanied at any time, it is normal to be detained, and his reaction is very cold. "First love will break up."

Jack, "You can really say auspicious words."

Wesley, "Not what I said, summed up online."

Amanda said, "If you hear no, the first love will break up."

John, "Wesley, then hurry up and talk about a breakup, then talk about it."

Wesley, "No interest."

"You are not interested in men's women. Do you like people's demon?"

"I like my cat."

Old Rayleigh laughed, and everyone couldn't help but John couldn't help but John slammed his feet. "When are you, I can hold my grandson, my comrades are grandfathers, and I went to the White House last month."

Wesley reluctantly reminded him, "You are fifteen years older than you."

John, "..."

Wesley, "After fifteen years, consider the question of your grandson."


After Lilia seriously thought, "15 years is too long, how about ten years?"

Wesley, "This is not my decision."

Not comfortable today, don't wait, look at it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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