Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2410: Korean drama has three treasures

Chapter 2410 Korean drama has three treasures

When the night court got up early to watch the news, I saw a thrilling news and quickly spread it across major video networks and major social media networks.

Anderson’s family of six went camping and suffered ambush. John’s life was dying. Wesley and Jack were shot. One of them was hanging on the line. The media violently condemned Roosevelt, who recently fought and died with the old Anderson family. There was a video. It is spread all over the network, the **** is directing the doctor to come to the rescue, I don’t know if it’s Jack, or Wesley is lying on the ground, bloody, because the lens is blurred, the video is not clear, the brothers are not like twins. I can recognize it. I don’t know who it is. I heard the crowds say that it’s so bad, it’s so bloody, it’s dead.

Wait a minute... The video is very noisy, but it was spread in the first place.

The night court is drinking black coffee and refreshing. Last night, the quality of sleep was bad at the beginning of the night, and it was awkward.

Willin came in and reported to him on the progress report of the major projects of the Miss Building. He listened to the news while he was listening. "When did this break out?"

"Two social networking sites were smashed in the background this morning. Ep also urgently transferred a group of programmers to work overtime. Netizens all over the world are brushing this news."

Wei Lin maintains the daily spit style. "Anderson's family goes camping. This is not a killer that tells the world. Hey, you can kill me, you can kill it all."

Night court, "..."

Why is he not so convinced?

How many times has John been assassinated? This is the most frequent celebrity who has been assassinated. Every time he can magically escape the dark calculations. The Anderson’s **** is a whole-specialized special forces seed player, and Wesley and Jack are there. Under what circumstances can the fortress be conquered and the assassination of John is very difficult.

"What does this have to do with Roosevelt?"

"It is said that the arrested person and Roosevelt had been involved in the incident, so they had been charged with Roosevelt."

The night court thought, "Poor."

"He made a statement early in the morning and condemned the bad media for rumors. This section does not dare to bite John. He himself does not know whether it is true or not."


At the beginning of the night, I was stunned by a slightly raised belly. When I walked halfway, I licked my mouth and went to the bathroom and vomited madly. The night court twitched slightly, just waiting for Wei Lin to call the doctor and see Wei Lin. Dreamlike look.

"Two less, are we still younger?"

Their group of dark guards are very envious of the burning of the clock, and there are young and old masters in all ages. We are the ones who will compare each other.

Weilin’s old father’s feeling of comfort, “Two less, I misunderstood you, you have done a great job.”

The night court slammed into the air. "She bloated and went to call a doctor."

Welline seconds to recover the bitter and indifferent face to go outside.

At the beginning of the night, I just retched, my face was pale, and the night was awkward. "Is it difficult?"


I was weak at the beginning of the night. "I am uncomfortable when I go away."

Night court, "..."

Are you going to recover the country?

At the beginning of the night, I was dragged to do a series of examinations. The doctor's face was very dignified. The night court was slightly stunned, and the eyes of the doctor suddenly became extraordinarily harsh.

(End of this chapter)

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