Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2416: No longer born is a senior mother.

Chapter 2416 is no longer born, it is a senior mother.

The Night Mausole has asked resentfully every three days recently, can you have children?

During the Spring Festival, he cheated him to see Mu Yuan’s play, and then he did not do contraception. As a result, he did not care. After returning, he was busy with work and began to do contraception.

The reason for the night mausoleum is, look, this is God's will.

The night tomb is very angry!

Renewable gas, the birth of a child, he has always respected Shen Qianshu, will not make anything deliberately not wearing tt, poke a hole in tt this kind of disrespect for the girl, he will brainwash Shen Qianshu every day The benefits of having a girl.

Every day, I found videos on the Internet that lie to my girl series. Every day before going to bed, I saw three trees without Shenyang. Shen Qianshu has watched dozens of non-repetitive, half-monthly girls, lively and cute, and watched the video. After the night, the mausoleum looked at her silently.

How cute the girl is, give birth to one.

Shen Qianshu did not succumb to death, and he seriously suspected that these videos were all found in Zhongqing.

She has a little shadow on the birth of a child. It is difficult for a child to paint. It is not easy to get born. It is not easy to get pregnant. It is also because the son died just after he was born. Even if he is confirmed to be a pro-son, she has been her son these years. Those past through the heartbreaking past will not go with the wind, and it is not so easy to let go.

Moreover, a son, she felt enough.

She is now in business, her career is on the rise, very busy, pregnant children have to rest for at least three years, children's paintings are very sensitive to the glass heart, dreams can shout out that I don't want my sister to come, all kinds of reasons together, she Still decided to have children draw a child.

None of the friends who were married around her were willing to have a second child.

The night mausoleum is depressed and there is no way.

It is not him who is pregnant in October.

Giving birth to a child is detrimental to the body, and the body is not shaped by him.

"I also think it is better to have two children, preferably two boys. Of course, I don't like girls." Mu Yuan is a little warm-hearted man who likes women. "A Ling is an old antique. He didn't want to." I want my son to feel that the blood of the night house is dirty and very disgusting. Now the family is happy. I definitely want the children. I have two boys to be insured. The family like us makes the girls inherit too hard. The girls should be pampered as princesses. I have two boys, I have been abducted, and there is one. I can’t both be abducted.”

Shen Qianshu is confused. "What do you mean by being abducted?"

"What if he likes men?"

Shen Qianshu clap his hands. "Well, I don't have to have two sons, I can inherit my family business."

Mu Yuan is silent for a moment, "..."

Yes, you are very open-minded and very respectful of your child.

But you have to stop Aling to interrupt their legs!

"If the night mausoleum tells you about this, you must tell him about all kinds of troubles with children. Moreover, if you have a girl, a son, you can’t control your sperm, if you have a son. He is not very depressed, so I will dispel my thoughts early."

"I said... not good."

"He asked you to say, even if you don't ask."

"okay then."

"I was bombarded by his video before going to bed every day, dreaming of a little niece." Shen Qianshu took a deep breath. "He has been too much recently. He even said that I am going to be born again. I will be a senior mother."

Mu Yuan, "..."

Hahahahahaha, this is like what Aling said!

(End of this chapter)

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