Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2419: Reflection at the beginning of the night

Chapter 2419 Reflections at the beginning of the night

Mu Yuan’s business in the city of A was over, and he quickly went to the Southwest Military Region. Several of his team members were also taken away by him. Before leaving, he also asked about the situation at the beginning of the night.

new York.

At the beginning of the night, the gastritis improved, there was no malignant retching, and the stomach felt burning. The night court also began to arrange a comprehensive physical examination for her.

"Little brother, if I am dead, what should I do?"

"You will not die." The night court whispered, "Medical technology is very developed. If you get sick, you can cure it. Trust me."

At the beginning of the night, I looked at the night court and sincere eyes, nodded.

Alice came to see the beginning of the night, I heard that this news, it is very unexpected, accompanied by the early night to check, and so on. The night court was a decisive and neat person, and he did not suffer from illness. He got the result on the same day. At the beginning of the night, it was gastritis, plus a stomach tumor, and a benign tumor, the doctor was relieved.

"Is it okay to cut the knife?"

The doctor nodded. "Yes, I don't have to stay overnight. The current state is not suitable for surgery. I suggest taking medicine first, through drug control and diet, to raise a stomach, and to have a better operation. Aftereffects."

The doctor is a professional doctor. The night court listens to the doctor's advice, and is not in a hurry to open the knife at the beginning of the night. She will not be nervous when she hears nothing at night. She will not be afraid if she cuts the knife.

She has never been a person afraid of death.

When I heard that I had cancer and might die, I had a fear in the beginning of the night. She always thought that death was far away from her, far away, and she should not be worried about her. Her sudden illness made her very anxious and terrified. If she was really sick and passed away, she would be very sorry.

She hasn't married her second brother. She didn't wear a beautiful wedding dress. She hasn't given a beautiful child to her second brother. She hasn't graduated yet. She hasn't traveled to Antarctica. She has a lot of things, and many things haven't had time. Do it.

She feared death and began to fear death.

"Sister, I think... is it a kind of retribution."

"What retribution?"

At the beginning of the night, I bite my teeth and my eyes are red. "I have done a lot of wrong things."

After she lost her memory, she has been brought up and raised by the men on board. They are all a group of rough men, and they are a group of pirates. They don’t talk about human rights, they don’t speak morality, they don’t fear life.

They killed and robbed, and they made a living. They robbed the goods, shot the crew, and robbed the resources. This is the capital they depend on. From a young age, she lived in the world of the jungle, and inadvertently also worked as an accomplice. When I came to land, she would have thought that life in the life would be normal, a normal world, and a natural form of a biological chain.

I got to know the night court, read the book, and made friends. She realized that there are so many rules and regulations in life, so many restrictions, morality, laws, and various constraints will form a society ruled by law. She lived in the primitive society at sea. What she did was also illegal and legal.

She is not the beginning of the night when she first stepped on the land.

Alice was very sad. She held the hand at the beginning of the night and whispered, "A first time, this is not your fault. Even if you retribute, you can’t report it to you. You just have a bad eating habit and you are born. I don't think too much about illness."

(End of this chapter)

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