Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2426: Hit the hot search on the group

Chapter 2426, Hot Search on the Group

The scene is extremely chaotic!

After Yang Kuanqi’s fight, the whole person was paralyzed. The river on the table was fresh, the beer was extremely embarrassed, and the tables of the food stalls were placed outdoors. Without fixing, they were directly overturned. Mu Yuan was angry and pointed to Yang Kuan. "You have to kill your teeth today!"

He said that he would fight and hit Yang Luan directly.

Yang Kuan brought a group of people out today. After a punch, he roared. "Mu Yuan, are you crazy?"

The army fights and fights, the lighter writes the inspection, the confinement is closed, and the heavy ones directly take off the military uniforms. Moreover, this is not in the military region, it is under the public, and the impact is bad.

Mu Yuan did not care about the consequences, and he slammed into the past. "You will be well beaten and let you talk a lot!"

Yang Kuan naturally will not be beaten up and beat his own people directly. Mu Yuan hits ten, because no one has a gun in the military area, and he immediately starts to fight when he picks up the bottle!

Wei Cheng, Cai Zhou and Chen Donglai and others naturally could not see Mu Yuan being gangsters, but also joined the battle, the scene became a mess, Populus euphratica did not participate, holding his arms in a cold, avoiding a chaotic look, technical soldiers It was the only weak chicken in the squad, and he did not participate in this scene. He pushed Hu Yang. "You are going to help."

Nearly the food stalls, almost all of them are big soldiers. Yang Kuan is at the base all the year round. He is also a lieutenant colonel. He is 32 years old this year. He is very mixed in the military area. The network is very good. He is out of the country all the year round. The connections of the mission can be much stronger. Many people have only heard of Mu Yuan’s heroic deeds and have never seen Mu Yuan’s people. For the special forces, this is a legend.

And wearing casual clothes today, it is fighting and fighting. If you look at it in a mess, you can see that Yang Kuan is playing. The rest of the people think that it is a social person who fights a special soldier. When he throws his fist, he enters the war situation and develops into the final. Five people from the far team played 50 people, and Hu Yang couldn’t stand it anymore. He pushed a technical soldier, "away from the distance!"

He also entered the battle, and Mu Yuan did not fight anyone. He caught Yang Kuan, and he was poisoned. He specially picked invisible places to play, and the bosses were frightened. This was all in a group, and they reported to the police. .

The police came very fast, however...

Do not dare to control! !

The policemen who were dealing with it shivered. They were all in the nearby police district. They recognized a few familiar faces. They almost wanted to cry without tears. They almost gave up. Who alarmed?

Who is calling the police! ! !

Fortunately, the siren sounded, some people recovered their senses, and the technical soldiers called the leaders of the military region. They were already on the road, and this group of talents was opened.

Yang Kuan was beaten by Mu Yuan and turned into a pig's head. He almost became a pig's head. After all, Mu Yuan was a good man. A dozen dozens were not a problem. Apart from a little bruise on his arm, he was unscathed.

Weicheng’s more cleverness also came back to God, pulling Mu Yuan to the side. “Major, Yang Kuan, this bear must be a big fuss, and then you will be miserable.”

After all, Mu Yuan first started!

Anyway, the first thing to do is to suffer.

Moreover, with the status of a major, a lieutenant colonel, there are several lieutenant colonels in this group. There are several major schools. They even fight in groups. The technical soldiers are flustered. "Major, not good, not good, some people took pictures. The video was sent to the social network, and it was immediately rushed to the hot search."

The horror headline of the people’s brilliance in the light of the day, has already rushed to the hot search, which is definitely the first time in the founding of the country!

Mu far breathed deeply and pointed at his face. "Come, one person hits a punch and fights a bit."

(End of this chapter)

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