Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2453: My brother’s money is mine.

Chapter 2453, the money of my brother is mine.

In the evening, I stayed at the old house for dinner at night, and at night, the night leopard and the night Feifei came to the door. Fortunately, this time I didn’t drag the house, the old lady didn’t say anything, after all, she was her niece and son. I used to come to dinner with her at least four times a week. Recently, it has become less and less. The old ladies are eating alone.

The night court was quiet and did not make a face, and gently greeted them. The night's bad, only for the night tomb alone, for the night court and the night a brother is not bad.

"When I came back, I didn't talk to my aunt, but I still heard it from the ears of others. You followed our big brother and avoided us. We are your aunt and aunt."

"Aunt, big brother is also my big brother." The night court smiled and said, "This is my fiancee, called the beginning of the night."

At night, Feifei saw the first time in the night, and the eyes at the beginning of the night were still very picky. "How can I still grow up?"

At the beginning of the night, she ignored her and ate quietly. Fortunately, the attention of Feifei and the night leopard at night is not at the beginning of the night, asking about the operation of the miss, the night court simply said it again, miss is a multinational listed company, what news can be seen, and it is very eye-catching, they I can definitely know.

The night leopard ate a few mouthfuls of wine. "Miss is now so good anyway, courtesy, you can't take care of the Asian subdivision here, or... let your cousin take care of it?"

At night, Feifei’s son is still studying and can’t help, but he can’t wait for a seat. “When your cousin finishes reading Bo, he can also take the handle, and you have to carry him a lot.”

The old lady doesn't talk at night. Miss has always had a branch office in Asia. It is managed by the people at the night, and it is the night court. He is not a crony, he is deliberately using the night family. In order to prevent the family from being mixed into the staff, the night court gave the shares of the president of the Asian department, but it was only a stock. The night-time family members wanted to enter the miss, and one person would lose one-tenth of his dividend. In a few years, Except for a few night courts, no one really opened the back door.

"Two uncles, the cousin is not doing well in the technology company, and it is not appropriate to go with me."

"How is it inappropriate? His technology company was lost by your big brother. There is not much profit in one year. I can give him a tube. He is still young, he can develop a lot, and his ability to work is good."

In the future, Feifei also stood on the front line with him for the sake of future.

"The miss branch does not belong to me, it is Fangfang who is the master, you can find Fangfang."

"She is a hard-hearted, unexperienced experience, which is comparable to your cousin."

"Miss is only three years in the country. Fang Fang took over only two years. The experience is not rich, but she is competent, I feel very good, I don't take the lead in the domestic branch."

"Ting, you are deliberately shirking?" The night leopard is not happy. "Fangfang can be the president of the branch. Why can't you go to the cousin? We are a family and cheaper."

The night court said faintly, "I need to raise thousands of employees in China. I really don't trust my cousin. Second, the cousin's technology company has always been profitable. Do it well, and have a good relationship with miss. Business will have I have tens of millions of profits in one year and went to miss. I can't open tens of millions of annual salary."

"You are going to give your cousin an annual salary?"

(End of this chapter)

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