Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2499: I am really disappointed when I am not pregnant.

Chapter 2499 is not really disappointing.

Three days passed quickly.

Calm and calm.


The night majesty works normally every day, normal work, no overtime, life two points and one line, he is a very very quiet person, basically in addition to special feelings, ag headquarters is Roiburg, you want to let the night to go shopping, Shen Qianshu is secretive, wearing three sets of **** clothes to tease him, perhaps no use.

He does not like to go out.

When I came to the land at the beginning of the night, I was a little girl who loved to go out and love to play. Now she also doesn’t like to go out. She likes to play with people she knows. It’s not easy to make friends with her heart. These days, I talked with Feng Huai about things, and I didn't care about her. I was looking for children's paintings at the beginning of the night. The whole Fort Rose was warm and happy.

Spring is back to the earth, the weather is getting warmer, and the flowers in the Fort Rose are full of flowers. As a delicate boy, the children’s paintings are boring and boring, and the flowers of the early night are tossed several times. The Shen Qianshu favors them and closes one eye. Only the eyes, just the gardeners bought more flowers to spoil them. Feng Huai looked at the children's paintings and played in the garden at the beginning of the night, very melancholy.

"I thought that I and Mengxi could do the same, get married, have a very cute child, I can watch her play with her children, it is a very happy thing."

If the night court is not a classmate for many years, I will take care of each other when I study abroad. I also borrowed a sum of money when I started my business. Even if the interest is confiscated, I don’t want to take care of the shares.

As his older brother said, I really don't know what this acid book is thinking in my mind.

"I have already told you that Lu Mengxi is the culprit that your father is still in jail. She is framed by your family. She is not really love for you. She is interested in approaching you. Your cousin's marriage is also her planning intervention. You are just her pedal, why can't you listen to it?" The night court helped the glasses.

Friends are too bad, but also very tired.

Can't care!

There is nothing wrong with people. Except for stubbornness, a little scholar is a friend who is derogatory and a good person. He can’t really let it go.

"I don't believe it." Feng Huai said, "She must have true feelings for me. We know each other for half a year and have a certain emotional foundation. She is so kind, will not make such terrible things, court, Are you hate with her, why should you smear her?"

"Which garlic she still has her hatred with her?" said the night court. "Lu Mengxi used to have some news with me. Do you know?"

"What news?"

In the evening, "You go to Baidu yourself, lest I say that she deliberately said she was bad."

Feng Huai opened the webpage with a dubious search for Lu Mengxi and Shen Qianshu. She searched Shen Qianshu alone for what happened to Lu Mengxi. When I searched together, the amount of information coming out was large.

Some news in the past, there were records at the time, including the gambling stone contest, and even after the Shen Lin plagiarism case may have Lu Mengxi, and Lu Mengyun's things, clear and clear.

Feng Huai's face is white, "How come?"

"The people are in front of you, just acting. She still secretly loves my brother and wants to marry my brother."

Feng Huai resisted the handle of the organ.

The night court said, "It is not so difficult to accept a woman who doesn't love you. Feng Huai, don't waste your precious time on her. You have a good life."


"Some people don't need any reason to hurt others." The night court said faintly, "When he was with you, who can have mentioned, or have you seen any strangers around her?"

Feng Huai fell into his own emotions. For a moment, he shook his head. "We are dating once a week. Usually, my research office is very busy, and she is very busy at work."

"You are such a big person, you can be so confused when you fall in love, love in a week, what love?"

Feng Huai stunned, "Many people are so in love, everyone is very busy."

"Let's do it." The night court did not refute. "What strange things can happen, do you think it is strange?"

Feng Huai is absent-minded. "I don't know, there should be no."

"Feng Huai, this matter is very important. You must seriously think about it. It is very important to us. If you can't remember, your dad is really framed and can't find evidence. He is going to sit on the bottom. Wear it."

Feng Huai was a little panicked. "I will seriously think, don't remind me, I will think about it."

But he really couldn’t think of anything suspicious at the moment.

Shen Qianshu's recent appetite is not very good, suspected of pregnancy, but she is not sure, I bought a pregnancy test stick to try once, the night Ling looked forward to wait for the results.

He is working so hard, should there be a little princess?

"how about it?"

Shen Qianshu shook his head in a blank expression. "Nothing."

Night Ling did not hide his disappointment.

Shen Qianshu grinds the back of the alveolar. "Slag, what do you mean by a very disappointing expression?"

See you in the daytime!

(End of this chapter)

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