Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2509: The bear child is very arrogant

Chapter 2509 Bear Child is very arrogant

General Mu was lying down and ridiculed. General Yang Yang naturally did not let go of the opportunity. What kind of words came, Mu Yuan’s main night cemetery was not good, let alone his relatives.

Lu Mengxi did not expect him to be so arrogant, and then took a look at the monitoring, is the monitoring is fake, did not open, or why is it so bold? She has never seen a military uniform, so arrogant.

Cai Zhou Hu Yang and others have come back to God. They can only silently give their majors a compliment in their hearts. On the truth, they will dare to say the most.

Mu Yuan, "Let's talk, I am listening, there must be me behind this, there are still many people listening, oh, and your sweetheart, you will talk about how I betrayed the country."

Mu Yuan’s tone is too arrogant and his look is too determined. No one will connect him with the treason. Even General Yang will ridicule General Mu, but he will not think what Mu Yuan is doing. Things are coming.

After all, it’s fear.

The most important thing is that Mu Yuan’s He Hejun Gong is there.

This is the first time in 50 years that the military has achieved the most military skills, the most desperate, and the most meritorious one.

If he is treason, someone should believe.

Lu Mengxi smiled and said, "I just listened to Li Can. When you were serving in Tianming, regardless of dissuasion, people who took a warship crossed the safe area and entered the theater to help a US major. Li Can said that there are many people inside, and they all say that you are demon, but this matter is suppressed by the night mausoleum. If it is so ten years in the relationship between the two countries, this move will let you Take off the military uniform."

Mu Yuan smiled. "I thought that Li Can could fabricate something. The Tianming issue was complete from beginning to end. I didn't violate the rules. I didn't have any casualties. I even helped diplomacy get the trade tariff reduction for that year. What can you say about Li Can? What do you believe, you can take a look at the current events of the year."

Mu was dark and scared to death, and thought he took photos of him and Jack.

In the past few years, he has been careful to show flaws. As long as Jack does not slap his back, he does not believe who can engage him.

At the conference table, several big sisters looked at the night tomb.

Night Mausoleum, "I have this thing, the procedures are complete, he did not violate the rules, it is my special approval."

General Mu was relieved, and the person who loves the brain is the most likely to have an accident. Fortunately, he also knows to report.

What the night mausoleum did not say was that the formalities were completed by him. Mu was slightly in violation of the rules, but the problem was not serious. It was not a violation of the scope. Of course, he did not need to explain.

General Mu also breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Mengxi smiled lightly. "Nature is not only this thing, but also... the major you ran to the United States on vacation, and the geographical location has overlapped with the major many times..."

"Okay, don't hide it, people are now Lieutenant Colonel Anderson!" Mu Yuan directly named.

General Mu, "..."

Night Mausoleum, "..."

Cai Zhou, "..."

This kind of bear child, kill one less one! !

The big ones in the conference room are facing each other. What is the situation?

General Mu’s innocent hand was used to see what I was doing. I didn’t know anything. General Mu came directly to a denial of the three companies. If he could, he did not want to admit his father-son relationship.

Lu Mengxi’s heart screamed, and Mu’s attitude made her feel a little hesitant. This is not like the way a traitor is exposed. There must be someone listening to this trial, and he is not panicked.

Looking at it is not like a fake.

"Yes, Jack Anderson, so Li Can thinks that you have been in a close relationship. The failure of the mission in Myanmar is also related to Lieutenant Colonel Anderson. So I suspect that you have disclosed confidential information because of some unspeakable friendship." Lu Mengxi also mentioned it implicitly. This is the deputy bureau to teach her early, if the final trial must say this.

The big guys in the conference room are a little confused, what is this boring?

After all, it is an old-fashioned, not very familiar with the routines of young people.

Mu Yuan said, "What can't be said, you are confident to listen, I am very upset."

Lu Mengxi ridiculed, "Major, don't pretend you don't understand."

"What pretend, I really can't understand, I am a rough person, I don't understand the subtext of these cultural people. It's better for you and me to understand it directly!" Mu Yuan is not angry, even smiling, very good attitude. In addition to Cai Zhou, the people under his hand are also very confused, they all understand! ! It’s all a crazy look.

Lu Mengxi smiled. "In this case, I will say it straight. Li Can suspects that you are in contact with Lieutenant Colonel Anderson. Major Mu Yuan, is this a treason?"

Cai Zhou was the first to be angry. "What are you talking about, believe it or not?"

"are you crazy!"

"Re-staining the reputation of the major, I killed you!"

Mu Yuan had not spoken yet, and the people under his hand began to defend him.

(End of this chapter)

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